Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

The Index below duplicates the one included in the 1940 printed catalogue, with the added electronic feature that each entry is linked to the appropriate related document description(s). It's a fairly comprehensive index, but we've noticed that it doesn't include interesting details such as vessel names — and so we recommend that you use the Search Box feature as well, to make sure you capture everything.



Walker, David, 870.
Walker, Hugh, 675.
Walker, John, 675.
Walkey, …, 992.
Wall, Patrick, 324.
Wallace, D., 1231.
Wallace, Michael, 644, 649, 1154, 1175, 1245.
Walter and Fillis, 848, 851.
Walter, Lynde, 669, 690, 732, 753, 756, 759, 782, 788, 801, 802, 806, 811, 812, 831, 833, 906, 1548.
Walter, Wm, 557, 567.
War of 1812,
making terms with enemy, 965;
news of peace coolly received, 1002;
treatment of captive fishermen, 997.
Ward, J., 738.
Warren, Henry, 681, 856, 956, 966, 1011, 1088, 1127.
Warren, P. W., 1209.
Watson and Rashleigh, 41.
Watson, B. M., 1205.
Watson, D., 230.
Weir, Capt., 389.
Wentworth, Benning, 776.
Wentworth, John, Bart., 544, 599, 878.
Wentworth, Lady Frances (Mrs John), 544.
Wesley, John, 685.
West Indies,
exporting to Nova Scotia, 41, 300, 1056;
in shaky financial state, 41;
lumber scarce, 410;
to W. Indies, 1210, 1292, 1350;
trade with England and N. S. and Nfld., 1326;
trading trips to Demerara, 941.
Western Islands,
Halifax merchants trade, 732.
Wheaton, L. H., 1477, 1478.
Wheelock, Walter, 1439.
Whidden, Jas., 1381.
Whipple, John, 585.
White and Blanchard, 1480.
White Family,
list of children of Gideon and Deborah White, 1037, 1556;
pedigree, 1426-7, 1432, 1452, 1557.
White, Capt. Cornelius, 40, 41.
White, Cornelius,
at school, 672, 841;
journal for year 1866, 1552.
White, Creighton and Co., 1060.
White, David, 1418.
White, Deborah (Mrs. Gannett), 1134.
White, Gideon,
administrator of brother's estate, 49;
arrives in Jamaica, 154;
auction of effects, 1347;
becomes deputy naval officer, 578, 587;
becomes deputy prothonotary, 602;
becomes sherriff,
biography, 1553-4;
captain of Charleston City Guard, 94;
cargo-book, 1516;
cash-book, 1514;
claims as loyalist doubted, 276;
conviviality, 440;
day-book, 1521;
debts due to, …, 199, 204-5;
dies, 1334-5;
duties as deputy registrar of Admiralty Court, 378;
evades duties, 624;
fees as a militia officer, 568;
fire ravages his farm, 552;
has negro tennants, 560;
has words with Mr. Black, 392;
honarary member of Pilgrim Society, 1118, 1205;
hopes to succeed to Naval Office, 405;
imprisoned after living in N. S., 39;
in Massachusetts in year 1791, 541;
in Shelburne, 338;
intend settling at Chedabucto, 277;
leaves Charleston, 151;
ledger, 1522;
legal record book, 1523;
list of children, 1037;
major of 22nd battalion of Nova Scotia miltia, 889;
master of schooner Apollo, 46;
offers himself for reg't, 565;
on loyalist committee, 183;
private papers, 1539, 1541-2, 1544-5, 1548-9;
proposes moving to USA, 681, 693;
proposes to marry Deborah Whitworth, 448;
returns to N.S., 671;
services as loyalist, 319;
sits in Assembly, 520;
situation as half-pay captain during war, 616;
standing for election, 502;
suing Timpany, 353;
supplying regiment, 75, 79, 80, 83, 89, 104;
supports erecting of a Church of Scotland in Shelburne, 803;
takes part in church controversy, 766, 798;
to be light duty collector, 593;
to enlist men in Jamaica, 73;
visits England, 643;
waste-book, 1515.
White, Gideon Sr., 37.
White, Hannah, 948.
White, J Deane W, 841;
in Halifax or at sea, 1276-80, 1382-3, 1385, 1387-9, 1391-4, 1396, 1398;
merchant in Shelburne, 1027, 1060, 1100-2, 1170, 1183, 1199, 1203.
White, Jos, 1480.
White, Miles W,
about to go to Boston, 806, 807;
dies, 1125;
goes to school, 672;
in Boston, 1041, 1049, 1077, 1097;
in Boston, 812, 848;
in business in Halifax, 979, 981-2, 1004, 1025, 1038;
in Halifax, 878, 884, 904, 930;
marries Miss Davis, 973;
sales book, 1525;
setting up Halifax business, 960;
to go to England, 936, 937, 954;
to join Hartshorne and Boggs, 876.
White, Miss [Joanna],
becomes engaged to Wm. Davis, 859;
in school, 720, 801;
trousseau, 1521.
White, Mrs T.H., 1297.
White, Mrs. Cornelius, 1414.
White, Mrs. Gideon Jr., 1083, 1113.
White, Mrs. Joanna, 765, 802;
dies, 1932.
White, Mrs. Miles W., 1204.
White, Nathaniel Whitworth,
at college, 871, 884;
at school, 672, 808, 862;
begins practice, 1076;
father writes, 899;
re education, 908, 922, 929;
re property, 891;
visits Chesapeke, 983.
White, Nathaniel Whitworth 2nd., 1468, 1477-8, 1481-8, 1491-7, 1499, 1500-8, 1512.
White, Sarah, 1037, 1047, 1073, 1092, 1100, 1111, 1139, 1149;
in Plymouth, 1176, 1196, 1200, 1207, 1218, 1255, 1261-2, 1265, 1273, 1281;
marries Mr Gannett, 1163.
White, Thos. Howland, 1170, 1197, 1213, 1225, 1227, 1235, 1250, 1258;
as school commissioner, 1466-7, 1470;
biography, 1554;
church at Shelburne, 1397, 1399, 1400, 1403-4, 1407-9, 1413, 1415, 1421, 1443, 1448, 1461-3, 1465;
dies, 1509, 1510;
marries Miss Ogden, 1271;
reminiscences, 1555.
Whitten, Melzen, 1209.
dies, 662.
Whitworth, Deborah (Mrs. White),
receives Nathaniel's share of their father's estate, 1413;
to marry Gideon White, 448.
Whitworth, Dr Miles, 38, 466.
Whitworth, Nathaniel, 45, 47, 51, 59-61, 156, 163-4, 192, 207, 228, 234, 254, 256, 276, 277, 297, 335, 397-8, 406, 432, 450, 460, 474-5, 493, 530, 540, 544, 561, 621;
dies, 629;
Whyte, Lt.-Col., 173.
Wigfall, Ishmael, 684.
Wiggins, Alicia, 553.
Wilcocks, John C., 747.
Wilcox, …, 1105.
Wilkie, Jas., 1381.
Wilkins, Isaac,
his abilities and importance, 427;
pole star of loyalists, 404.
Wilkins, L. M., 1020, 1247-8, 1312.
Willard, Abijah, 466, 476, 504, 517, 549.
Willard, Levi, 476, 504, 517, 549.
William Henry, H.R.H. Prince (Duke of Clarence), 544.
Williams, John, 1282.
Williams, Wm., 448-9.
Williamson, John, 509.
Willis, Rev. Robt., 1258, 1310.
Willoughby, H. F., 987, 998.
Wilson and Dore, 648.
Wilson, John, 509.
Wilson, Mary, 509.
Winniett, …, 937.
Winslow, Col. Edward, 275.
Winslow, Isaac, 58, 100.
Winslow, Maj. Pelham, 48, 223.
Winslow, Mrs., 972.
Wishart,Wm. Thos., 1407-9.
Wiswall, John, 1414, 1420.
Wiswall, Judge, 1050.
Wiswall, Peleg, 977, 1022, 1028.
Wodehouse, …, 1179.
Woodberry, J., 494, 505.
Woodward, Jas. T., 1480.
Wright, Daniel, 336.
Wright, Geo., 728-9.

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