Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1832  14 May  Halifax  

1292. Deane White to his father, giving general news. He is about to sail for the West Indies. "I think the present prospect is better for the sale of a Cargo in the West Indies than it has been for some time past - But how times alter! And how insignificant property in the West Indies is now, to what it was even eight years Ago - At that time, their Merchants could pay for a Complete Cargo of Fish with about two-thirds that quantity of Rum; but now, to shew you the Difference - Grant sold in Grenada a short time since, an assorted Cargo of Fish, Beef, lumber & Staves - And he arrd here last week with a full Cargo of Rum, 45 Puncheons on deck & £300 in Cash." Halifax "never was so full of British Goods as it now is - but the cholera is not yet unpacked with other importations." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1292


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