Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1833  24 Feb  Halifax  

1312. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, on general matters. …"the Legislature has yet done but little oweing to the deeply interesting question respecting Young's return which has been before Committee most of the time, And the House meets and adjourns, so as to give time to the Committee, as the trial threatens to be lengthy. Smith employed Johnston, and Hill & Harris - the former however has been confined to his house ever since the Assembly met - therefore has been of little use to his employer. Hill & Co have been industrious, but as Gray (the clerk of Comtee) has to record the whole of the evidence, both direct and by cross questioning, makes it very tedious - There has only eight or nine Witnesses been examined, but some of them, three and four times - Smith has upwards of twenty More at his elbows and two thirds of the Island if required - for he really appears to be a loved Sovreign of its inhabitants, And cares not for expenses. Dod & Kavanaugh (Members) as well as Cormick, Tremain and other highly respectable, have given direct testimony against Young's inflammatory speeches, otherways encouraging riot, and forcibly keeping Smith's Voters from going to the Hustings to Vote in Chetticamp where the poll was last held, and the proclaimed hour expired & poll closed while 80 Voters for Smith were kept off by force & Arms - And the decided partiallity of the sheriff, who is summoned by the chairman of the Commtee to appear forthwith. Young with Sutherland is fighting his own battle, and says he will yet come off triumphantly - though the whole community is disgusted at hearing so much disgraceful conduct thrown in the face & ears of one who would suppose had natural feeling. Smith preserves the Most gentlemanly calmness as 'tis said he shew throughout the Election - this, with his whole Appearance, Commands friends & high respect. The Windsor Election has been going on warmly, first day Dill 35 Wilkins 32 Second day D 57 W52 and am told W led 4 at Noon Yesterday - and as they agreed the poll should Close at three O'Clock, tomorrow's paper will Shew you the result, Judge Halliburton's promotion, you know, has made a vacancy on the bench, which was offered to the Atty General by Sir Peregrines orders, this did not a little hurt his ambitious feelings - Among the candidates is Nat, who was urged by T. N. J. (as he says) with an Assurance of his earnest support-" Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1312


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