1894 19 Nov Yarmouth
1491. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, in receipt of letter. ''…no person perhaps outside Mr. Baker knows how instrumental you have been in securing for the Y.S.S. Co. the favor of the Dominion subsidy - better than myself… Progress of South Shore Railway Co. ''We are having every possible obstacle thrown in our way by the Local Govt. and the Town of Yarmouth as well as the municipalities...this road with its other connecting enterprises will be a great power in politics later on as there (sic) employees will number several hundreds - They are dead sour on the Fielding Govt and all the Govts generally but in order for us to reap the fullest political benefit from them we have got to show them that we are something more than merely friends...I wonder when the Elections will come off? I saw General Laurie in Boston some time ago - and I hear that he is now about to visit Shelburne Co. What does it mean? Have you given up all idea of running the Co.?'' He speaks, further of Gen'l Laurie and asks White the date of the election. Holograph.
White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1491
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/file-list/
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