Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1833  7 Jan  Antigonish  

1310. Rev. Thos. H. White to Archdeacon Willis, reporting on the state of his mission during 1832.  Great need for church buildings in a country so predominantly Roman Catholic. "The common day school in this settlement I am sorry to say is a very indifferent one & indeed the same observation holds with respect to the schools generally in the District. The teachers with a few exceptions are Roman Catholic & generally ignorant & not always free from intemperance. I have made these remarks under the hope that the Venerable Society will if possible take the subject into consideration. An individual, such as would be deserving of the Society's Patronage employed as a Reader & Schoolmaster in this settlement would be of infinite advantage to the moral & religious character of the rising generation surrounded as they are by zealous Papist & no less zealous Dissenters who use very exertion to draw them away from 'the truth as it is in Jesus.'" Reports from Antigonish, Little River, and Little Tracadie of number of communicants, baptisms, marriages and deaths during 1832. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1310


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