Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

The Index below duplicates the one included in the 1940 printed catalogue, with the added electronic feature that each entry is linked to the appropriate related document description(s). It's a fairly comprehensive index, but we've noticed that it doesn't include interesting details such as vessel names — and so we recommend that you use the Search Box feature as well, to make sure you capture everything.



Cahan, C.H., 1501.
Caldwell, Jas, 484.
Cameron, 63.
Cameron, John, 242.
Cameron, Niel, 1381.
Campbell, A. M., 1325, 1386.
Campbell, Alex, 1336.
Campbell, Archibald, 1381.
Campbell, Archibald, 339, 377, 422, 426, 436.
Campbell, Capt. Archibald, 105.
Campbell, Capt. Laurence, 141.
Campbell, Col., 180, 215, 216.
Campbell, Colin, 559, 573, 593, 694, 880.
Campbell, Colin, 1241.
Campbell, David, 203, 414.
Campbell, Gen'l Archibald, 241, 259, 275, 317.
Campbell, Sam, 748, 766, 768, 872.
Campbell, Sir Colin, 1377, 1412.
Brownrigg magistrate, 312.
Carden, Maj. John, 139, 334.
Carleton, Sir Guy, 184, 200.
Carritt, 1357.
Cary, Jas, 258.
Chadbourne, A. H., 1474, 1490.
Chambers, Capt. Samuel, 1051, 1052, 1053.
Champion&Dickason, 264, 298, 329, 341, 356, 360, 371, 395, 398.
Chancery Court,
Appointments as Master, 1221, 1251, 1252, 1329;
N.W. White as Registrar, 1264, 1277;
Pay of Master, 1251;
Robie as Master of Rolls, 1214.
Chandler, A. S. or N., 1473, 1476.
Chandler, Rufus, 626, 633, 716, 740, 861, 901, 929, 934, 936, 944.
Chapman, 284.
Conditions in year 1784, 284, 293;
Disputes, 307;
Loyalists Settling, 274;
Plans for Settling, 317, 322;
Returns of Loyalists Settled, 288;
State of Society, 589.
U.S. Frigate, 983.
Chew Ltd., 101, 208, 220.
Chipman, J. L., 995, 1067, 1291, 1294.
Chipman, Ward, 369, 454, 455, 478, 504, 517, 547, 787, 838, 844, 860, 863.
Threatens Province, 1286.
Christopherz, Capt. John, 246, 499, 584, 622.
Church of England,
Additions in Lunenburg, 868;
Bishop replies to complaints, 766, 769;
Bishop writes T. H. White, 1274, 1315, 1360;
Bishop's salary reduced, 1251;
Centenary Celebration of Shelburne church, 1469, 1471;
Church and school lands, 905;
Conditions in Shelburne church, 750, 761, 766, 798, 1401, 1404, 1405, 1448, 1462, 1465;
In Pictou Co., 1534;
Mission at Antigonish, 1283, 1310, 1390, 1397, 1400.
Church of Scotland,
Subscription for Shelburne, 803.
Clarence, Duke of, 544.
Clark, Jno, 1174, 1357.
Clark, Robt.D., 1367.
Clarke, Jas., 222, 400, 404, 459, 536.
Clopper, G., 193, 218.
Coattam, Thos., 748, 841.
Cochran, Thos. Jas. and Wm., 41, 42.
Cock, W., 414.
Cocken, A. D., 1550.
Cocken, Alexander, 277, 437, 492, 1090.
Coffin, 649.
Coffin, Gen'l John, 175.
Coffin, Jonathan, 82.
Coffin, Maj. John, 201, 215, 216, 330, 443, 746, 774, 804, 843, 844.
Coffin, T.A., 264.
Cogswell, H. H., 1057, 1264.
Collingwood, Ltd., 1038.
Collins, Andrew, 511.
Combauld, 417, 573.
Communication See Transportation,
candles and milk-pans as,, 567.
Copeland, Thos. And Alex., 282, 286.
Cormick, Daniel, 822, 824.
Coulbourn, Chas., 394.
Council. H. M.,
at loggerheads with House, 1191.
Courtney, Jas., 210.
Cowling, John, 672.
Cox (firewarden), 611.
Cox and Grassie, 640, 666, 673, 682, 685, 687, 721.
Cox and Walter, 648.
Cox, Jas., 607.
Cox, Wm., 925, 968.
Creighton, 1350.
Creighton, Mrs. Jas., 879.
Crocheron, Abraham, 666.
Croke, Alexander, 847.
Crowell, 1453, 1454.
Crowell and White, 1121.
Crowell, Ebenezer, 1035.
Crowell, Eleazer, 1371, 1402.
Crowell, Nehemiah, 1371, 1402.
Crowell, Thos., 661, 840, 867, 896, 963, 984, 986, 988, 994, 996, 1017, 1020, 1022, 1031, 1098, 1158, 1179, 1330.
Cruel, Thos., 1089.
Cunard, Samuel, 1363, 1370, 1373.
Cunniam, Mathew, 469.
Cunningham, Capt. Andrew, 240.
Cunningham, Capt. Archibald, 1, 167, 198, 212, 592, 803, 938.
Cunningham, Capt. Jas., 1140, 1406.
Cunningham, Capt. Ralph, 167, 285, 307, 321, 498.
Cunningham, John, 289.
Cunningham, W. R., 1307.
tables for conversion to Canada currency, 1533.
appointment, 1313;
duties as preventive officers, 1370;
officers; duties re Vice Admiralty Court, 447;
question in year 1827, 1190.
Customs H. M. see Nova Scotia Customs,
Cutler, Thos., 589, 609, 1072.

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