Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1813  12 Jun  Halifax  

983. Nathaniel Whitworth White to his brother Gideon. He describes the arrival of the Chesapeake in Halifax Harbour. "Nearly 2 hours before she hove in sight, the wharves were lined with Inhabitants, from a Telegraphic report from below. She proved to be the Chesapeake, prize to the Shannon, Come. Broke A more decisive action could not have been fought. That such dreadful havoc should have been made in so short a time as 11 minutes, is almost incredible." Superiority of the Chesapeake to the Shannon. The victory of the latter "is considered here the greatest victory ever gained by a single ship, and owing in a great measure to the superior judgement and bravery of Capt. Broke." Further description of the engagement and the condition of the vessel afterwards. Family news. [Typewritten copy. Original letter is in the possession of T. H. White, Esq.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 983


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