Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1797  4 Apr  Shelburne  

616. [Draft of] unfinished letter from Gideon White to one of his relatives in Plymouth. Mrs. White "wishes there was no such a Country as Nova-Scotia. Madam had rather be envied than pitied and the fact is Our Situation here during the War is by no means the most Eligible - for Ladies - neither is it for half-pay Officers. I should enjoye a Visit to Plymouth of all Wishes this is most near to my Heart - but....I am Ordered to be ready for Service - and keep my self allways prepared to Obey - ...however I do not realy beleive any one Captain will be call'd, from Economy - as there are so many subs of Fortune who are ready to recruit a company for the rank of Captain - Whereas If the Half-pay Captains are Called on, the Government must provide the Men for their Command - which is a very expensive business at this Day." Advice to "Anna" as to her diet. Family matters. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 616


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