1795 15 Nov Guysborough
589. Thomas Cutler to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. …"respecting your Town Lot - it has never been occupied by any Person except within these Two Years - and I mentioned to them that they ought to have paid something for the Use of it - they gave me for Answer, that they thought the fencing was full equivalent to the benefit they got by it - and had they not enclosed it - they should have called upon You to make your proportion of the fence - ..which would have cost you considerable....I have proposed selling it & they have offered me Twenty Shillings for it...I have not accepted of that Sum - as I do suppose it to be far short of your expectations - but I assure You that Town Lots have been sold in as good situations and adjoining yours for 10/....As to Your Country Lands on the North Side of Chedabucto Bay - I have not had time as yet to see & find out any purchasers - ...but I have just to observe, that You have only 950 Acres instead of a 1000 - you mention - and lands on that side of the Bay have been generally sold for about six pounds pr. Hundred Acres - and I suppose yours will in that case fetch You about fifty pounds - and I believe it might be sold for that sum - being divided into Two or three Lotts - giving the purchases a reasonably time to pay it in by installments - say Three Years...I have stopped any further expence arising from Your neglect of paying your County rates - & performing your six days Labour on the Highways - by paying it for You which I shall continue to Do - until it is disposed of...as you complain so much of the badness of your Lands - would it not be better for You to remove here? - I assure You - the place is thriving fast - And we should be very happy to have You - to add to our Society - which god knows just now is non of the best - nevertheless - a few good Persons like yourself will make it better.." Holograph.
White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 589
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/file-list/
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