1834 27 Jan Halifax
1357. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, in receipt of letter. He explains his reasons for not sending certain books. "Flieger has parted with all his books, but a few standard works - which you have seen - He has a Share of the Hax. Library & now depends on that for all he reads - And there is few here, who do not subscribe to the same, which makes it rare to see a Novel owned by an individual -" "Halifax is in a pretty Mess - Failures in every quarter - Sheriff & Deputy's hard at work serving Capias' Executions & Walking off the Speculators to Fielding's boarding house. The towns talk is of failures & Jail-birds-Shortis, Moody[.] H. Grant &c. &c. are of the Number. LaPoosey & Hall's Smash surprises everybody, his debts in town being £10,866. To Tom Morris £1400 to A. Esson £1300 John Clark £1100 John Brown £375 &c &c - it was thought at the time of the meeting of the Creditors - that 6/8 might be divided - but since the sale of their stock, they cannot expect half that dividend. It is plainly said many old houses must close - Carritt, Lockyer & among the rest B & Hartshorne...Tom Morris Neal, John Grant, W. A. Flieger & the West's are among the &c. about to Close. "I feel happy I was not led into deeper speculation, as Money Cannot be reallised for any thing at present." Family news. "The two late Town Meetings have been very fully attended and this unanimous spirit will occasion the House to decide without much debate on those questions - poor Deblois has Made himself a laughing stock to all by his lending himself as a tool to the Hax. Banking Company." Holograph.
White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1357
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/file-list/
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.