Nova Scotia Archives

Bluenose: A Canadian Icon

Bluenose Crew List

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z 

Name Position Date Note
Carter, John  [between 1939 and 1942] [Exact years unconfirmed] 
Chase, George  1925, November 1936 Of Chester, N.S. 
Cheeseman, Mike  November 1936  
Cleveland, C.  1923 Part of racing crew 
Cleveland, Ed  1931 Part of racing crew 
Cleveland, Ed  January 1922  
Cleveland, Ernest  1920s  
Cleveland, Jerry  1928 Lost from Bluenose 
Cluett, Cyril  1937  
Collins, Stanley  1929 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Colp, Hector  1924 Of Feltzen South, N.S. 
Colp, Loraine  1924 Of Feltzen South, N.S. 
Connors, Ernest  1924 Of Newfoundland 
Connors, Thomas  1924 Of Newfoundland 
Conrad, Akiah  1922 Part of racing crew 
Conrad, Albert  1924 Of Middle LaHave, N.S. 
Conrad, Gilbert  1937; January 1937  
Conrad, Hector  October 1938 Age 18 in 1938 
Conrad, Perry Flunky 1924  
Conrad, Ralph  1929 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Conrad, Robert  1935  
Conrad, Rodger Cook April 1934 Age 54 in 1934 
Conrad, Roger Captain  Of Lunenburg, N.S. 
Cook, Arthur Cook 1926  
Cook, Frank  1923 Part of racing crew 
Cook, Hector  February 1938  
Cook, Murray  1937  
Coolen, Alfred Able Seaman 1931, May 1935; April 1934; 1936 Age 27 in 1935 
Coolen, Dayson  1931  
Coolen, Herbert  June-September 1930  
Coolen, Levi  February 1938  
Coolen, Selburne Apprentice May 1935 Age 20 in 1935 
Coombs, William  1927 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Corkum, Arthur Sailor October 1938 Age 26 in 1938 
Corkum, Clarence  1931 Part of racing crew 
Corkum, Ellison  1923  
Corkum, Freeman  1923 Part of racing crew 
Corkum, George Mate May 1935 Age 54 in 1935 
Corkum, Gordon  1931 Part of racing crew 
Corkum, Harold  1930 Part of racing crew 
Corkum, Harold Sailor October 1938 Age 52 in 1938 
Corkum, Irving Sailor October 1938 Age 40 in 1938 
Corkum, Leo  1930 Part of racing crew 
Corkum, Llewlyn  1937  
Corkum, Millidge  1929 "Summer trip" - the fishing trip from June to September 
Corkum, Norman  1929 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Corkum, Walter N. Throater 1929 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Courtney, Albert Sailor May 1941 Age 22 in 1941 
Cox, Stephen  1927 "Frozen baiting" - the first trip of the fishing season, in March 
Crouse,   1931 Part of racing crew 
Crouse, Albert  1931 October Reference in "Winds of Change" 
Crouse, Moyle  1922, 1923 Part of racing crew 
Crouse, Moyle  October 1938  
Crouse, Norman  1928  
Crouse, Norman  1931 Part of racing crew 
Crouse, Paul  October 1938  
Crouse, Robert Able Seaman July 1939 Age 21 in 1939 


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