Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Journals and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia

Each volume of the annual Journals and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia includes an index. The relevant index references to 'Indians' and 'Indian Affairs' for the years 1818 to 1852 have been extracted and are listed below. The references lead primarily to petitions directed to the Indian Commissioners and to annual reports of the Commissioners, plus related appendices.

The appropriate microfilm retrieval numbers for these annual JHA volumes are 3528 (1800-1818), 3529 (1819-1832), 3530 (1832-1838), 3531 (1838-1842), 3532 (1843-1846), 3533 (1847-1849) and 3534 (1849-1852).

Indexed under "Indians"...

  •  Volume XII 1815 - 1818 

  •  Volume XIII 1819-1820 

  •  Volume XIV 1820 - 1826 

  •  Volume XV 1827 - 1830 

  •  Volume XVI Part 1st - 1830 

  •  Volume XVI Part 2nd - 1832 

  •  Volume XVI Part 3rd - 1833 

  •  Volume XVI Part 4th - 1834 

  •  Volume XVI Part 5th - 1834 - 1835 

  •  Volume XVI Part 6th - 1836 

  •  Volume XVII Part 1st - 1837 

  •  Volume XVII Part 2nd - 1838 

  •  Volume XVII Part 3rd - 1839 

  •  Volume XVII Part 4th - 1840  

  •  Volume XVIII Part 1st - 1841 

  •  Volume XVIII Part 2nd - 1842 

  •  Volume XVIII Part 3rd - 1843 

  •  Volume XIX Part 2nd - 1845 

  •  Volume XIX Part 3rd - 1846 

  •  Volume XIX Part 4th - 1847 

  •  Volume XX Part 1st - 1848 

  •  Volume XX Part 2nd - 1849 

  • Page 221
    Ordered that Mr. Henry, Mr. Fulton, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Mott, and Mr. McKeagney be a Select Committee to examine and report on all matters connected with Indian Affairs.

    A petition of "Indians belonging to the Micmac tribe" in Hants County, was read by Mr. Fraser, "setting forth their extreme destitution and praying relief."
    Ordered referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

    An account of Rev. Dr. Fraser heard, of the expenditure of money by him as Indian commissioner.

    Report of Dr. Gesner presented, a Commissioner on Indian Affairs, with accounts of expenditures.
    Ordered referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

    Appendix no. 36
    Report of Dr. Gesner. As the Mi'kmaq "resources have gone to the graves of their fathers:" fisheries obstructed, game disappeared, camping grounds occupied by British settlers. Gesner "endeavored to persuade them one and all to enter upon the lands reserved for their use and commence to tillage of the soil." Begs relief, aid for small pox vaccinations for the children, "against which the Indians have an abhorance." Reports loss of crops at Bear River, sickness at Fairly Lake, and more settlement at Shubenacadie. Mentions, Stephen Charles, Abraham Glode, Goreham Paul, Francis Paul, and names of families settles of Shubenacadie reserve in 1848. Reports a decrease in population and "should any malignant epidemic arise, like that which destroyed 4000 Indians in Nova Scotia in 1746, its ravages among the tribes are even now manifest, …the historian will have to record the last if the Micmacs." Complains of "constant and frequently unpleasant duties" attached to his office.

    Report of Crawley, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Cape Breton, presented.
    Ordered referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

    Appendix no. 49
    Report (partial) of Henry, Mott, Campbell, and Fulton. Have had before them Chief of Pictou and Chief of Hants County, stating the conditions of their people and praying relief from the Legislature. "As a preventative to such deplorable consequences, your Committee" makes recommendations.

    The Council granted three hundred pounds "for the relief of Indians."

    Mr. Henry "reported finally on from the Committee on Indian affairs."
    Ordered that the report be received and referred to the Committee of Supply.

    Appendix no. 88
    Committee on Indian Affairs beg to report they investigated Gesner's accounts, satisfactorily. Have considered the petitions of several medical men for remuneration and "to prevent abuses creeping into this branch of the public service, is necessary to impose restrictions upon these grants and recommend the passage of a resolution by the House." Recommend sums paid to named doctors etc. Committee also read "with attention and interest the petition of the chiefs and captains of the several Indian tribes but although they deeply regret the circumstances…cannot ...recommend any additional grant for the benefit of the Indian population." Includes accounts of expenditures.

    Resolved the sum of balance be granted for physicians' attendance upon Mi'kmaq, pursuant to the Report of the Committee on Indian Affairs.

    Forty-one Council Resolutions including grant, above.

    Petition no. 17
    Petitions referred to Committee, viz:
    Of Mic-mac Indians , of Hants County, 221
    Of Dr. Willobycki, Liverpool, 222; grant, 357, 373
    Of Peter Toney, Indian Chief, Merrigomish, 235
    Of Dr. Page, Amherst, 239; grant, 357, 373
    Of Dr. Bent, Pugwash, 239; grant, 357, 373
    Of Dr. Clarke, Pugwash, 239
    Of Dr. Hamilton, Cornwallis, 251; grant, 357, 373
    Of Dr. Forbes, Liverpool; grant, 357, 373
    Of Chiefs and Captains of Mic-macs of Nova Scotia, 262
    Of Dr. Culpepper, Lunenburg, 295; grant, 357, 373
    Of James Fraser and others, a committee of a Public Meeting, Pictou, setting forth distress among Indians there, 300(through Executive)

    You may also look under...

    Supply ; for Indians, 285
    Resolved that 300 pounds be granted "for the benefit of Indians." Agreed to and sent to Council.

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  •  Volume XX Part 3rd - 1850 

  •  Volume XX Part 4th - 1851 

  •  Volume XX1 Part 1st - 1851 Session 2nd and 1852 

  • previous


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