Each volume of the annual Journals and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia includes an index. The relevant index references to 'Indians' and 'Indian Affairs' for the years 1818 to 1852 have been extracted and are listed below. The references lead primarily to petitions directed to the Indian Commissioners and to annual reports of the Commissioners, plus related appendices.
The appropriate microfilm retrieval numbers for these annual JHA volumes are 3528 (1800-1818), 3529 (1819-1832), 3530 (1832-1838), 3531 (1838-1842), 3532 (1843-1846), 3533 (1847-1849) and 3534 (1849-1852).
Indexed under "Indians"...
One hundred pounds granted and placed "for relief of the Indians of this province."
Twenty-three Resolutions of the House, including one hundred pounds for "the relief of Indians," above.
see also Appendix no. 80, 2nd part
From Lord Glenelg, Secretary of State to the Colonies to Lt.-Gov. Colin Campbell requesting "a report on the state of any of the aboriginal inhabitants who may still exist in the province under your government, shewing their present condition, increase or decrease…mortal state and any efforts which have been made for their civilization - the proportion settled on the land and cultivating it, and the numbers who still adhere to the habits of savage life - the amount, if any, of property belonging to them, and the effect of any local statures which may have been passed for their government."
see page 627
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/mikmaq/library/journal-house-assembly/
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.