Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Helen Creighton Audio Reel 5076
Micmac War Song
00:00:01 - Blessings of Mary
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 479 performed by William Riley at Cherry Brook, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: The first blessing Sister Mary had — 7 September 1943
00:03:16 - Micmac War Dance
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 480 performed by Chief William Paul at Shubenacadie, Hants County, Nova Scotia — 30 April 1944
Micmac War Song
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 481 performed by Chief William Paul at Shubenacadie, Hants County, Nova Scotia — 30 April 1944
00:06:24 - Promised Land
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 482 performed by Chief William Paul at Shubenacadie, Hants County, Nova Scotia — 30 April 1944
00:08:18 -
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 483 performed by Chief William Paul at Shubenacadie, Hants County, Nova Scotia — 30 April 1944
00:13:34 - When I Was In My Prime
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 484 performed by Enos Hartlan at South-East Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: When I was in my prime — 29 August 1943
00:18:57 - Traditional Tales
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 485 performed by Enos Hartlan at South-East Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia — 29 August 1943
00:00:00 - (sea chanties)
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 486 at Dartmouth, Halifax County, Nova Scotia — 1943
00:24:20 - Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 487 performed by Mrs. Edward Gallagher at Chebucto Head, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: I married a wife and I brought her home — 3 October 1943
00:27:39 - Cobbler's Song
Audio Reel: 5076 Recording number: 488 performed by Mrs. Edward Gallagher at Chebucto Head, Halifax County, Nova Scotia — 3 October 1943

Interested in a particular style of folk song or type of story? Helen often assigned a genre term to her recordings. Choose a genre below to listen.

Interested in recordings in a particular language? Helen recorded people singing and speaking in multiple languages. Language terms were assigned by Creighton herself. Choose a language below to listen:

Interested in recordings with a particular instrument? Helen recorded people playing and signing with multiple instruments. Instrument solos and/or accompaniment were assigned by Creighton herself. Choose an instrument below to listen:

Audio Reel 5076

Read Helen Creighton's recording notes along with archival documentation related to these audio recordings: Mf289-97 PDF Mf289-98 PDF

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.