Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 1 to 50 of 263 from your search: French
Item Reference Digital
Cecilia performed by  Children of Petit Etang School at Petit Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Mon per'n'avait fille que moi — 1944
Audio Reel: 5043
Recording number: 159
notes: Mf289-32
De Paris a Rochelle performed by  Children of Petit Etang School at Petit Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: C'est de Paris, de Paris a Rochelle — 1944
Audio Reel: 5043
Recording number: 160
notes: Mf289-32
Acadian Anthem performed by Thomas Doucet and Mrs. Moses Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5043
Recording number: 161
notes: Mf289-32
[Chansons de Piloti] performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5043
Recording number: 162
notes: Mf289-32
[La- bas sur ces montagnes] performed by Thomas Doucet and Mrs. Moses Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 163
notes: Mf289-32
[C'est dans l'anse de saint beaufour] performed by Peter Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 164
notes: Mf289-34
[Chantons une chanson bien drole, L'meurnier et le sergent)] performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 165
notes: Mf289-34
[Le matin quand je me leve] performed by Thomas Doucet and Moses Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 166
notes: Mf289-34
[Allons au bois ma annette] performed by Leo Poirier at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 167
notes: Mf289-34
[On but, on but, on but] performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 168
notes: Mf289-34
[Combien des fois j'ai vu la belle rose] performed by Leo Poirier at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 169
notes: Mf289-34
[Voudrais bien que tous ces bon vieillards] performed by Thomas Doucet at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 170
notes: Mf289-34
[Quand J'etait sur mon pere] performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 171
notes: Mf289-34
[Sil me fallait partir] performed by Pat Aucoin at St. Jospeh's Parish, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 172
notes: Mf289-34
[Le petit panier] performed by Pat Aucoin and Thomas Doucet, Moses Chiasson, Peter Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 173
notes: Mf289-34
[La villaine] performed by Moses Chaisson and Thomas Doucet, Moses Chiasson, Peter Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 174
notes: Mf289-34
[Le journal globu] performed by Peter Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 175
notes: Mf289-34
[C'est sans l'arniee] performed by Peter Chiasson at St. Joseph's Parish, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — 1944 Audio Reel: 5044
Recording number: 176
notes: Mf289-34
Alouette performed by Armand Mongeon and Roland Lanthier at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Alouette, gentille Allouette — 1943
Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 177
notes: Mf289-34
Vive le Canadienne performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Vive la Canadienne — 1943
Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 178
notes: Mf289-36
Madelon performed by Roland Lanthier at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia — 1943 Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 179
notes: Mf289-36
Chanson sur l'armee Transport performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Ont nous a fait des promesses en signant nos camions — 1943
Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 180
notes: Mf289-36
French Reel for dancing performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia — 1943 Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 181
notes: Mf289-36
Margeton performed by Armand Mongeon and Roland Lanthier at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia — 1943 Audio Reel: 5045
Recording number: 182
notes: Mf289-36
La Villaine Audio Reel: 5050
Recording number: 211
notes: Mf289-45
Ma Mignon, Ma Mignonne Audio Reel: 5050
Recording number: 212
notes: Mf289-45
C'est dans l'armee performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia Audio Reel: 5050
Recording number: 213
notes: Mf289-45
Chanson sur L'armee Transport performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Ont nous a fait des promesses en signant nos carrions — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 245
notes: Mf289-51
Quand J'ai quitter mon pere performed by Armand Mongeon and Roland Lanthier at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Quand j'ai quitte mon pere a l'age de quinze ans — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 246
notes: Mf289-51
Margoton performed by Armand Mongeon and Roland Lanthier at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: La cherie du battaillon, c'est la jolie petite Margoton — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 247
notes: Mf289-51
Alouette performed by Armand Mongeon and Roland Lanthier at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Alouette, gentille alouette — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 248
notes: Mf289-51
Vive la Canadienne performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Vive la canadienne — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 249
notes: Mf289-51
Madelon performed by Roland Lanthier at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Pour le repos, le plaisir du militaire — 22 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5053
Recording number: 250
notes: Mf289-51
Madelon performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert Military Camp, Colchester County, Nova Scotia — 22 July 1943 Audio Reel: 5054
Recording number: 251
notes: Mf289-53
Le Journal Joglu performed by Armand Mongeon at Debert, Colchester County, Nova Scotia — 22 July 1943 Audio Reel: 5057
Recording number: 275
notes: Mf289-59
L'Etait un Bergere performed by Children of Petit Etang School at Petit Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: C'etait une bergere, bon, bi, bon, bi, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon — 5 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 776
notes: Mf289-157
Cecilia performed by Children of Petit Etang School at Petit Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Mon per'n avait fille que moi — 5 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 777
notes: Mf289-157
De Paris a Rochelle performed by Children of Petit Etang School at Petit Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: C'est de Paris, de Paris a Rochelle — 5 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 778
notes: Mf289-157
Le Governeur performed by Thomas Doucet at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 780
notes: Mf289-157
Un Canadien Errant performed by Thomas Doucet and Mrs. Moses Chiasson at St St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 781
notes: Mf289-157
(song of Louisburg) performed by Thomas Doucet at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 782
notes: Mf289-157
La Bas Sur Ces Montagnes performed by Thomas Doucet at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 783
notes: Mf289-157
C'est Dans L'anse Du Saint Beaufort performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 784
notes: Mf289-157
(counting song) performed by Thomas Doucet at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 785
notes: Mf289-157
Chantons Une Chanson Bien Drole performed by Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5106
Recording number: 786
notes: Mf289-157
Allons Au Bois Ma Myonettes performed by Leo Poirier at Grand Etang, Inverness County, Nova Scotia — 6 June 1944 Audio Reel: 5107
Recording number: 788
notes: Mf289-159
[Hi Do Lai Do] performed by Pat Aucoin at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: L'autre jour en promenant dans la ville — 6 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5107
Recording number: 790
notes: Mf289-159
[On But] performed by Leo Poirier at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: En buvant du bon vin — 6 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5107
Recording number: 791
notes: Mf289-159
[Combien des Fois J'ai Vu la Belle Rose] performed by Leo Poirier at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Sous (sans) la verte fougere — 6 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5107
Recording number: 792
notes: Mf289-159
(milling song) performed by Thomas Doucet at St. Joseph's Parish, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: voudrais bien que — 6 June 1944
Audio Reel: 5107
Recording number: 793
notes: Mf289-159
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