Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 1 to 20 of 20 from your search: American Folk song
Item Reference Digital
Coloured Girl From the South performed by Richard Hartlan at South-East Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: The master had a coloured girl
Audio Reel: 5049
Recording number: 208
notes: Mf289-43
American Woods performed by Edmund Henneberry at Eastern Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Come, all ye loyal lovers, I pray lend an ear — 10 June 1948
Audio Reel: 5122
Recording number: 943
notes: Mf289-187
Stately Southerner (Paul Jones) performed by Lawrence Henneberry at Eastern Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It's of a stately Southerner that flew the stars and stripes — 10 June 1948
Audio Reel: 5122
Recording number: 944
notes: Mf289-187
Stately 'Southerner' performed by Tom Cornealy at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It was a Yankee Southerner that flew the stars and stripes — June 1950
Audio Reel: 5171
Recording number: 1440
notes: Mf289-285
Down In The Cane Brake performed by James Lewin at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Down in the Cane Brake behind the mill — June 1950
Audio Reel: 5174
Recording number: 1472
notes: Mf289-290
Stately 'Southerner' (Paul Jones) performed by Otis Hubley at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It's of a stately Southerner that flew the stripes and stars — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5182
Recording number: 1558
notes: Mf289-307
Sweet Florella performed by Simeon Johnston at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Down by a drooping willow — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5184
Recording number: 1567
notes: Mf289-311
Some of Us performed by Otis Hubley at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Some of us may leave from Ireland — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5189
Recording number: 1615
notes: Mf289-321
Apples, Pears, and Peaches performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Apples, pears, and peaches — August 1950
Audio Reel: 5195
Recording number: 1659
notes: Mf289-333
Young Charlotte performed by David Slaunwhite at Terence Bay, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Charlotte lived by the mountain side — September 1950
Audio Reel: 5198
Recording number: 1688
notes: Mf289-339
Sweet Florella performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Down by yon weeping willow — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5443
Recording number: 1998
notes: Mf289-416
Sweet Florella performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Down by yon weeping willow — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5444
Recording number: 1999
notes: Mf289-418
Sweet Florella performed by Arthur White at Noel Road, Hants County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Down by yon drooping willow — July 1952
Audio Reel: 5528
Recording number: 2078
notes: Mf289-436
Young Charlotte performed by Ruth Morse at Millville, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: 'Oh no, oh no,' young Charlotte she cried — June 1953
Audio Reel: 5619
Recording number: 2280
notes: Mf289-482
Indian's Lament performed by Mary Bailey at Tatamagouche, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Poor Indian he sits in his lonely canoe — August 1953
Audio Reel: 5637
Recording number: 2317
notes: Mf289-490
Cumberland's Crew, The performed by Ben Henneberry at Devil's Island, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Come, shipmates, and gather and join in my ditty
Audio Reel: 5703
Recording number: 2533
notes: Mf289-538
Cumberland's Crew, The — 1955 Audio Reel: 5766
Recording number: 2813
notes: Mf289-605
Stately Southerner, The performed by Capt. Charles Cates at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: 'Tis of a stately Southerner that flies the stripes and stars, — August 1956
Audio Reel: 5852
Recording number: 3278
notes: Mf289-688
Stately Southerner, The performed by Scott Stuart at St. Andrews, New Brunswick
first line of lyric: It was the stately Southerner that wore the stripe and stars, — June 1958
Audio Reel: 5950
Recording number: 3615
notes: Mf289-765
Little Low Plain, The performed by John Holland at Glenwood, New Brunswick
first line of lyric: One evening last June as I rambled — September 1958
Audio Reel: 5968
Recording number: 3724
notes: Mf289-803

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