Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 1 to 50 of 146 from your search: Love song
Item Reference Digital
Banks of Sweet Dundee performed by Walter Roast at East Chezzetcook, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It's of a farmer's daughter most beautiful I'm told — 1943
Audio Reel: 5028
Recording number: 7
notes: Mf289-1
Dark-Eyed Susan (or Black-Eyed Susan) performed by Walter Roast at East Chezzetcook, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: All in the downs the fleet lay moored — 1943
Audio Reel: 5029
Recording number: 8
notes: Mf289-4
Dark-Eyed Sailor performed by Dennis Smith at East Chezzetcook, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It's of a charming young lady fair — 1943
Audio Reel: 5031
Recording number: 28
notes: Mf-289-8
Old Man, The performed by Mrs. Edward Gallagher at Chebucto Head, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: There was an old man came over the lea — 1943
Audio Reel: 5031
Recording number: 33
notes: Mf-289-8
Dark-Eyed Sailor performed by Ben Henneberry at Devil's Island, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It was of a comely young lady fair — 1943
Audio Reel: 5032
Recording number: 43
notes: Mf289-10
When I Was In My Prime performed by Enos Hartlan at South-East Passage, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: When I was in my prime I flourished like a vine — 1943
Audio Reel: 5035
Recording number: 69
notes: Mf289-16
Black-Eyed Susan performed by Dennis Williams at Musduodoboit Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: All in the downs the fleet lay moored the streamers waving in the wind — 1943
Audio Reel: 5035
Recording number: 70
notes: Mf289-16
An T-Alltan Dubh performed by John Neil Gillis at Gillisdale, Inverness County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: 'S tha'n t-alltan dubh cho bagarrach — 1943
Audio Reel: 5038
Recording number: 102
notes: Mf289-22
Dark-Eyed Sailor performed by Walter Roast at Dartmouth, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It was of a comely young lady fair — 25 July 1943
Audio Reel: 5055
Recording number: 264
notes: Mf289-55
Mull Fisher's Love Song performed by  M.C.S. at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Mhairead og, mhairead, my girl — 6 May 1944
Audio Reel: 5097
Recording number: 699
notes: Mf289-139
Brave Volunteer performed by Lorne Sweet at Newport, Hants County, Nova Scotia — 12 July 1948 Audio Reel: 5129
Recording number: 998
notes: Mf289-201
Once I Had A Girl performed by Sydney Boutilier at French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Once I had a girl, a bonny, bonny girl — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5180
Recording number: 1545
notes: Mf289-303
Braes of Strathblane performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I was a-walking one morning in May — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5187
Recording number: 1589
notes: Mf289-317
Courting Is A Pleasure performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Courting is a pleasure — July 1950
Audio Reel: 5188
Recording number: 1600
notes: Mf289-319
Johnny Doyle performed by Gordon Connolly at Glen Haven, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Her poor distracted father — August 7 1950
Audio Reel: 5192
Recording number: 1636
notes: Mf289-327
Dear Susan performed by William Gilkie at Sambro, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: First when I left dear Susan my heart was turned to woe — September 1950
Audio Reel: 5194
Recording number: 1655
notes: Mf289-331
Red River Shore performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: At the foot of yon mountain where the fountains does flow — June 1951
Audio Reel: 5344
Recording number: 1788
notes: Mf289-361
Down by the Banks of the Rosies performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: If ever I do get married — June 1951
Audio Reel: 5344
Recording number: 1789
notes: Mf289-361
Mary and Willie performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As Mary and Willie sat by the seashore — June 1951
Audio Reel: 5344
Recording number: 1790
notes: Mf289-361
Miller's Lonely Daughter performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: By a mill stream stood the miller's lovely daughter — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5345
Recording number: 1800
notes: Mf289-363
Johnny Doyle performed by Otis Hubley at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: It's of a fair maid all tangled in love — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5345
Recording number: 1802
notes: Mf289-363
Erin's Lovely Home performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: All who are at liberty I hope you will draw near — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5347
Recording number: 1818
notes: Mf289-367
In Rogersville City performed by Bernard Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: In Rogerville city there lived a fair damsel — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5347
Recording number: 1819
notes: Mf289-367
Farmer's Son and the Shanty Boy performed by Edward Deal at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I strolled out one evening — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5349
Recording number: 1826
notes: Mf289-371
Flat River Girl performed by Otis Hubley at Seabright, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: I'm a hard working river boy — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5349
Recording number: 1830
notes: Mf289-371
Blackbird performed by Michael Slaunwhite at Terence Bay, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: One fine summers evening — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5350
Recording number: 1839
notes: Mf289-373
In Cupid's Court performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I rode out one morning — July 1951
Audio Reel: 5352
Recording number: 1858
notes: Mf289-377
On Board of the 'Victory' performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: I am a noble lady — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5353
Recording number: 1865
notes: Mf289-379
Jovial Young Sailor performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I walked out in the sweet month of May — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5353
Recording number: 1866
notes: Mf289-379
Peggy Bourne performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I roamed over those Ireland hills — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5353
Recording number: 1867
notes: Mf289-379
Brown Girl performed by Bernard Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: When first to this country I came as a stranger — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5354
Recording number: 1871
notes: Mf289-381
Jessie Munro performed by Mrs. R.W. Duncan at Dartmouth, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I went a-walking one fine summer's evening — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5354
Recording number: 1874
notes: Mf289-381
When Barney Flew Over the Hills performed by Grace Clergy at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Was a cold winter's night and the tempest was snarling — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5356
Recording number: 1892
notes: Mf289-385
As I Wandered By the Brookside performed by Berton Young at West Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I wandered by the brookside — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5357
Recording number: 1898
notes: Mf289-387
Italian Girl performed by Berton Young at West Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: There's a charming little maiden — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5357
Recording number: 1899
notes: Mf289-387
Stormy Winds of Winter performed by Freeman Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: The stormy scenes of winter incline with frost and snow — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5358
Recording number: 1901
notes: Mf289-389
Irish Girl performed by Freeman Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I rowed out one May morning — August 1951
Audio Reel: 5358
Recording number: 1905
notes: Mf289-389
Banks of Brandywine performed by Berton Young at West Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: One morning very early in the merry month of May — September 1951
Audio Reel: 5437
Recording number: 1945
notes: Mf289-404
Oh What Has Changed You? performed by Freeman Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I was strolling down the street I heard a mournful cry — September 1951
Audio Reel: 5438
Recording number: 1955
notes: Mf289-406
Lovely Molly performed by Freeman Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Fare you well lovely Molly, I'm going to leave you — September 1951
Audio Reel: 5439
Recording number: 1961
notes: Mf289-408
Home Dearest Home performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Home dearest home and it's home you shall be — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5441
Recording number: 1974
notes: Mf289-412
Banks of the Rosies performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: If ever I do get married — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5442
Recording number: 1982
notes: Mf289-414
Foot of the Mountain Brow performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Come all bold lads and lassies attend unto my song — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5442
Recording number: 1986
notes: Mf289-414
New River Shore performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: I can love little or I can love long — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5442
Recording number: 1987
notes: Mf289-414
Jenny Lund performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: A tear was in a soldier's eye — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5442
Recording number: 1988
notes: Mf289-414
Had I the Wings For to Fly performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Had I the wings for to fly — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5443
Recording number: 1992
notes: Mf289-416
Brave Volunteer performed by Norman Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: As I went out walking one morning in May — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5445
Recording number: 2010
notes: Mf289-420
They Tell Me Love's A Pleasure performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: They tell me love's a pleasure — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5446
Recording number: 2022
notes: Mf289-422
In The Late Evening Dew performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: In fair London city a place of renown — May 1952
Audio Reel: 5447
Recording number: 2032
notes: Mf289-424
Lovely Annie performed by Nathan Hatt at Middle River, Victoria County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: I write you this letter — June 1952
Audio Reel: 5450
Recording number: 2052
notes: Mf289-430
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