Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1216 to 1230 of 1613 from your search:

1829  2 Mar  Halifax  

1216. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius. ''To bring some men's destiny to a clost 'tis only necessary to give them tether & they'll soon run to the end of it…The Honble member for Shelburne no longer hears the walls of St. Stephens echo to the music of his leathern lungs, but must now content himself with uttering his anathemas from the top of his counter to his admiring com-patriots. After listening to his abuse of almost every man in Shelburne of any respectability the House became quite indignant and determine to trip him the first time he overstepped the parliamentary rules of order. This he was led to do upon presenting a petition from Gough of Liverpool against a militia fine, terming Col. Freeman in the course of debate a smuggler or using language which in the opinion of the House amounted to it. He was immediately called to order by the gallant Coll. and the result of a long & stormy debate with closed doors was that he should make an apology both to the House & the Col. such as the House dictate and not take his seat until he did so. He has now been a week under this conditional sentence of expulsion & Persists in his determination not to apologize. The House will wait a decent time & then declare the seat vacated.'' Further on same subject. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1216

1829  4 Mar  Halifax  

1217. List signed by J. A. Barry, Shelburne township respresentative, showing the division of by-road monies in the township.   

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1217

1829  13 Apr  Cambridge  

1218. Sarah White Gannett to her brother Cornelius, giving family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1218

1829  13 May  Plymouth  

1219. Joan White Davis to her brother Cornelius White. Family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1219

1829  22 Aug  Halifax  

1220. Deane White to his parents, on his return from a voyage to the West Indies. ''Those who have less time (something new for Deane saith you!) than I have at present must give you other & perhaps more important news - I shall only say brother Nat is momently expecting to have his extreme anxiety calmed by the cautious Sir P's signature - There is very few either here or in his district but heartily wish this.'' He is sending baskets of fruit, biscuit etc. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1220

1829  23 Aug  Halifax  

1221. Nathaniel W. White to his parents, chiefly relative to his impending appointment as Master in Chancery. Uniacke has written a long letter describing Gideon White's services, as a loyalist and citizen of Shelburne, and Nathaniel's abilities. His matrimonial intentions. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1221

1829  7 Sep  Halifax  

1222. Deane White to his parents,  giving general and family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1222

1829  15 Sep  Halifax  

1223. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, on the point of leaving for a winter's voyage to South America and Europe with a cargo of 1255 drums of fish. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1223

1829  24 Sep  Shelburne  

1224. Robert McQuhae's bill, covering supplies and labour from 9 Feb. 1816 to 24 Sept. 1829 to Gideon White.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1224

1829  7 Oct  Halifax  

1225. The Bishop of Nova Scotia to Rev. Thos. Howland White, giving him directions for going to Pictou and Antigonish and holding services there.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1225

1829   Oct  Halifax  

1226. Prospectus of a steam vessel, to ply between Halifax and Yarmouth, giving the proposed regulations for the "Nova Scotia Western Steam Company", schedule for the vessel, and an estimate of expenses.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1226

1829  6 Nov  Antigonish  

1227. Thos. Howland White to his sister [-in-law] Agnes, especially relating to the Albion coal mines and the village of Antigonish. ''In my last letter I gave a rough outline of my journey from Halifax thro Pictou; when at Pictou I visited the Albion Coal mines, & a most astonishing undertaking it is... This was the first time I had ever seen a Steam Engine in operation. I really cannot tell you my feelings. I was astonished & delighted & could scarcely believe it possible, that the ingenuity of man could invent such a wonderfull machine, to describe it is utterly out of the question...The depth of the coal pits (of which there are three) is about 100 feet each, the shaft is about 10 feet in diameter & bricked from the bottom to top like a well. The Engine raises two tons of coal up these shafts or funnels every 5 min...There is also a foundary for the casting of iron, the work men were employed at the time, the most beautiful grate I ever saw was made at this place. I must...say something about my Parish it is certainly a very pretty place, most beautiful farms, & some very excellent families, who appear delighted & thankful at having a cleryman of the Church among them. The church is very small but pretty building, it will contain about 100 persons, but the inside is exactly like a Methodist meeting house the pulpit &c. placed inside of the altar next the wall, Immediately on seeing it I exclaimed, that it was made by a methodist & they said it was. The parishoners have sent for a stove & the ladies have been employed these last days in making surplus (sic)...A Mr. Ogden cousin of the Ogden who lived at Shelburne very kindly offered to a accommodate me with lodgins I very gladly accepted his kind offer. He is a find old gentleman, of the old school, a half pay officer, he served in Charlestown S.C. when my father was there.'' Description of situation of house. ''Will you ask Papa if he remembers a non commissioned offider in his regiment, or his company by the name of Pushee, he is living in this place & he says he was recruited out of the Prison at Charlestown...'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1227

1829  17 Dec  Bahia  Brazil

1228. Deane White to his parents, telling his plans for voyages to the Mediterranean and Canada during this coming winter. Holograph.
[Forwarded from Halifax 1 March , 1830].

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1228

 Dec  Shelburne  

1229. Memorandum of distribution of monies granted for byroads in Shelburne township.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1229

 Dec  Halifax  

1230. Deane White to his parents, on returning from a voyage. Personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1230


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