Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1246 to 1260 of 1613 from your search:

1830  22 Dec  Halifax  

1246. Deane White to his parents, on personal and business matters. He is going to ship a sleigh and harness to Tom…"he has so much riding to do in the winter on the Ice, that a Vehicle of this kind is necessary to prevent frozen toes & perhaps broken bones - this he much feared last winter, having to perform all of his traviling on horse back." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1246

1830  23 Dec  Halifax  

1247. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius. He is sending merchandise purchased from Allison, "who is one of the Most obliging fellows I ever saw…He keeps in Micl. Bennet's corner." Prices of various commodities. Comments on the Uniacke and Wilkins election cases. "Johnston addressed the committee (Uniack's) on the opening of the Defence, 4 days in Succession, with unusial (sic) ability - Uniacke has steadily persevered & has gained Many friends, out of the House - as well as in...Wilkins & Dill they say will come off a tie." Season's greetings. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1247

1830  23 Dec  Halifax  

1248. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius. He has promises from Forman and Huntington that they will insist upon nominating George Johnston as main road commissioner. Comments on the Uniacke and Wilkins election cases. "Think of Ritchie having applied for the Atty-Gen. ship! Nay, more, that there is a fair chance of his getting it!! It is said that Sir Perry has warmly recommended him. What will happen next?...The Council have wisely assented to the Revenue Bill notwithstanding the obnoxious item was meanly inserted in the same shape." Re Blanchard: "He is certainly a feverish agitator but has a clear head which will prevent his running wild into ultra-liberalism. He will always be in opposition to the powes that be, but has too much talent to let him go beyond the constitutional barrier & risque his [constituency?] On the whole the present House is superior to the last, particularly if the two Gentleman Barristers are successful. In truth & without prejudice if you deduct the Profession you leave a balance of ignorance, vulgarity & littleness personified. The wary first Commoner has used all his tact in keeping them from breaking out into open war & has done it successfully which is of importance to him just now, as in case of a hubbub he is aware that he will have the blame & knows the consequence. Judge Halliburton too in the other House has yielded for the sake of [?], as his hope of the Chief's seat has prompted, for you must know that he & the Speaker are neck & neck in the race for it. Each has been trying slyly to throw the other out of the saddle & thus tranquility has come out of it. Thus it is that the real springs to action are always hidden from the public eye." Debate on Roche's bill to reduce lawyers' fees and reform the practice of law. "This measure has been proposed regularly by the same Honble gentlemen for the last three sessions & been thrown out without discussion, as the lawyers always retired & left the field. This time however he has found a supporter & an able one too in Blanchard who has been ringing the changes upon this popular subject so loudly as to call up the whole strength of the Bar in the House...He is certainly right, but should yield upon so important a subject to the proposition that a Commission of Inquiry be formed by which the whole subject may be thoroughly investigated & thus prevent the evils which may arise from rash & hasty legislation upon so complicated a subject as the code of Jurisprudence. He has all the hardihood & obstinacy of my friend the Doctor, whose disciple he is..." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1248

1830   Dec  Plymouth  

1249. Rebekah Davis to her uncle, Cornelius White,  on family and local matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1249

1831  18 Jan  Halifax  

1250. The Bishop of Nova Scotia to Rev. T. H. White, in receipt of letter. Relative to building a church at Little River, White's salary as deacon, and other church business. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1250

1831  29 Jan  Halifax  

1251. Deane White to his brother Cornelius. ''Am happy to say Nat has been appointed a Master in Chancery which I am told will give him at least £ 300 a year - and he will have handsome fees from a large property that is to be sold at Windsor in a short time. The bishop is going home in the Packet which sails on Thursday next he has been notified that his sallery is to be reduced to £1500. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1251

1831  2 Feb  Halifax  

1252. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius, announcing that he has been made a Master in the Chancery Court. This is a far preferable situation to an Infr. Judgeship, as it does not throw me out of practice except in the Court of Chancery & leaves me in the line of promotion. The emoluments are about £ 300.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1252

1831  14 Feb  Halifax  

1253. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius. Comments on the appointing of road commissioners for Shelburne and the patronage involved, on Nathaniel White's new office, and on the trade of the province with the West Indies and Europe.  Holograph.
Enclosure: list of road appropriations, below.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1253

1831  14 Feb    

1254. List of appropriations for roads in Shelburne County, with names of commissioners and the amounts to be spent.  Below: jeering comments by J. D. W. White.
[Enclosed in J. D. W. White to Cornelius, above.] 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1254

1831  27 Apr  Cambridge  

1255. Sarah White Gannett to her brother Cornelius White. Personal and family news, especially relating to her attending lectures on Shakespeare, natural history etc.  Holograph. Postscript.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1255

1831  8 May  Antigonish  

1256. Account of Rev. Thos. White with the estate of the late E. Irish. Itemized with prices. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1256

1831   May  Shelburne  

1257. Account of Gideon White with Wm. Sterns, 1824 - May 1831, for legal services, etc.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1257

1831  8 Jun  Halifax  

1258. Archdeacon Robert Willis to Rev. T. H. White, in receipt of letter. He is willing for White to leave his mission long enough to visit his parents, provided he will assist the archdeacon in Halifax on his way to and from Shelburne. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1258

1831  10 Jun  New York  

1259. Edward Brinley to Cornelius White,  on personal and family matters, and especially with regard to Davenport, who expects to return to Nova Scotia to live. Dated 9 June. Postscript dated 10 June.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1259

1831  1 Jul  Boston  

1260. Joan White Davis to her brother Cornelius White, on personal and family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1260


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