Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1201 to 1215 of 1613 from your search:

1828  14 Jun  C. Negro  

1201. John Lyle to Gideon White,  giving directions as to paying a sum owed by Wm. Sutherland. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1201

1828  26 Jun  Dartmouth  

1202. Fancis Hall to unnamed man,  submitting a bill for scantling. Signed.
[Enclosed in Wentworth [?] to White, 30 June, below.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1202

30 Jun  Halifax  

1203. Wentworth [?] to Dean White,  on business and family matters. Holograph.
Enclosure: Bill for scantling, 26 June.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1203

1828  15 Jul  Round Hill  Mass.

1204. Mrs. Miles White to her brother-in-law Cornelius, at Plymouth. Family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1204

1828  23 Jul  Plymouth  

1205. B. M. Watson to Gideon White,  forwarding a certificate to White as honorary member of the Pilgrim Society, and expressing his sympathy on the death of his son Gideon. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1205

1828  10 Sep  Halifax  

1206. Dean White to his brother Cornelius, chiefly with regard to his forthcoming voyage to the West Indies and his future as a sailor. "We sail for Barbadoes or a Market, with 300 bbls Pickled fish, 250 Qtls Cod & filled up with Lumber & Shingles." Directions for disposing of his debts and goods. General news.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1206

1828  11 Sep  Cambridge  

1207. Sarah White Gannett to her brother Cornelius, on her arrival at home from making a visit in Shelburne. Family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1207

1828   Oct  Plymouth  

1208. Rebecca Davis to her uncle Cornelius White,  giving news of the family and neighbourhood. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1208

1828  8 Nov  Plymouth  

1209. P. W. Warren to Cornelius White, recommending to his good offices Mr. Melzen Whitten, who is likely to go to Cape Negro on business. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1209

1828  29 Nov  Halifax  

1210. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, on returning from a voyage to the West Indies. Successful business transactions of the voyage. Family news. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1210

1828  10 Dec  Halifax  

1211. Deane White to his brother Cornelius,  on business and family matters. "I have not any engagement to go off yet, but am not impatient - the Schr. Which I last went in sails on Friday for Newfoundland, via Sydney where she takes a load of Coals - Mr. A. is Anxious for Me to go in her & take a frt. for the West Indies from Newfoundland but I am told here it is Nine Chances out of Ten Weather she can get up to St. John at this Season on account of the ice...We have more vessels in I am told than can be recollected for years - Mr. Br[uce?] says there will be chances enough & he thinks & hopes to get Me in Mr. G. P. Lawsons emply which is thought to be the best in Halifax." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1211

1828   Dec  Halifax  

1212. Dean White to his brother Cornelius, on the point of departing on his first voyage, giving directions for winding up his affairs.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1212

pre-1829   Dec  Shelburne  

1213. [Copy of] letter from John McKinnon to John Barry, Shelburne township representative, in reply to his "insolent and insulting letter" with regard to the appropriation of road monies. Scurrilous in tone. 
Below: covering note from Thos. H. White on sending copy of letter to his father. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1213

pre 1829  19 Nov  Halifax  

1214. Nathaniel White to his father. Reminiscences. General news. "We have nothing new in the political world but the Proclamation issued by His Majesty forbidding all his subjects interfering in the contest between the Turks & Greeks. I have no doubt Ministers are doing right, but 'tis a pity that policy should require our neutrality in such a cause. We have one however at the helm who is well versed in the political chart & understands all the practical parts of steering & veering & trimming & tacking better perhaps than any man in the ship. Let us therefore entrust her confidently to him. Lord John Nova Scotia [i.e. Bishop John Inglis] is on his dunghill crowing away as if nothing had happened. He appeared in the pulpit of St. Paul's last Sunday & very adroitly distilled a few choice drops of oil & sprinkled them over the troubled pool with much effect. He is quite without an equal in the suaviter in modo & will no doubt in a short time coax the stray sheep back in the fold again. The Master of the Rolls has also after rolling himself some how or other /not very gracefully / into a well feathered nest, rolled out again among us, without much polish from his rubbing. He has only picked up a few additional phrases of denunciation & lavishes them most profusely on poor Nova Scotia. England has no charms for him either, but Switzerland is his Paradise & the Swiss a damnd fine sett of fellows. He is certainly a queer genius & has returned more whimsical than ever." Holograph.
[Date post 1826, when Robie became Master of the Rolls, pre 1829 when the Graeco-Turkish War ended.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1214

1829  6 Jan  Halifax  

1215. Nathaniel White to his father. ''The mortality in this town has been lately truly appalling & the indifference & even apathy discovered by our police in the midst of it all seems almost like infatuation. Whilst we are denounced by our neighbours in the Republic as a port of disease & pestilence no steps whatever have been taken to check the progress of that most loathsome of plagues which is infesting us & Heaven only knows when it will be stayed.'' Comments on the defeat of the Turks. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1215


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