Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1291 to 1305 of 1613 from your search:

1832  10 May  Halifax  

1291. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius, enclosing a commission. ''Chipman poor fellow, is dying & another judgship will be in the market, & may be so for me - I will write our dear Father, if possible - but I assure you my situation is no sinecure & in addition to my own duty I have almost all the Master of the Rolls thrown on me, for he has become quite a Dotard -'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1291

1832  14 May  Halifax  

1292. Deane White to his father, giving general news. He is about to sail for the West Indies. "I think the present prospect is better for the sale of a Cargo in the West Indies than it has been for some time past - But how times alter! And how insignificant property in the West Indies is now, to what it was even eight years Ago - At that time, their Merchants could pay for a Complete Cargo of Fish with about two-thirds that quantity of Rum; but now, to shew you the Difference - Grant sold in Grenada a short time since, an assorted Cargo of Fish, Beef, lumber & Staves - And he arrd here last week with a full Cargo of Rum, 45 Puncheons on deck & £300 in Cash." Halifax "never was so full of British Goods as it now is - but the cholera is not yet unpacked with other importations." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1292

1832  16 May  Halifax  

1293. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, on forwarding some merchandize.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1293

1832  4 Jun  Halifax  

1294. Nathaniel W. White to his father, relative to the death of Mr. Chipman and his own uncertainty whether he will accept Chipman's office of Judge in the Inferior Court or remain in the Chancery Court. He is "on the watch about the transfer of the Collectp." in which Cornelius is interested. He intends to foil Bingay in his intention in that regard.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1294

1832   Jun  Halifax  

1295. [Unsigned] letter from Deane White to his brother Cornelius, asking for certain goods to be sent and for word regarding their father's health.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1295

1832  23 Aug  Halifax  

1296. Bill to J. D. W. White from W. M. Allan for a sofa, a chair and some curtains.  Receipted.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1296

1832  4 Oct  Antigonish  

1297. Alexander Macdonald to Rev. T. H. White, submitting his bill for medical attendance on Mrs. White.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1297

1832  16 Oct  Halifax  

1298. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, sending various articles of merchandize, books, etc.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1298

1832  16 Oct  Antigonish  

1299. Mr. Henry's bill to Rev. T. H. White for postage etc.  Receipted.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1299

1832  16 Oct  Antigonish  

1300. Receipt for money received from Rev. T. H. White for shoeing his horse.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1300

1832  17 Oct  Halifax  

1301. Deane White to his brother Cornelius,  on business and family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1301

1832  5 Nov  Halifax  

1302. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, on business and family matters. He is sending furniture. "Barry had resolved to go down in this vessel to offer for his County but his Wife [sic] illness and her desided disapprobation with that of all the Blacks, only has prevented. - He rec'd a letter from Lock & Co as well as others West of you which has given him the old spirit. Holograph.
Overleaf: Memo dated 5 Nov

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1302

1832  13 Nov  Halifax  

1303. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, in receipt of letter. He describes his new domestic arrangements. Business. "There is not a Cask of the Gibraltar sherry to be sold in Halifax - I therefore send four 17 Gallon Casks of dry Lisbon which is thought to be the cheapest Wine of the two." Memorandum of goods. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1303

1832  14 Nov  Halifax  

1304. Deane White to his brother Cornelius, sending articles to Shelburne.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1304

1832  27 Nov  Antigonish  

1305. Account of Rev. T. H. White with Wm. A. Henry, giving items and prices.  Receipted.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1305


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