Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1231 to 1245 of 1613 from your search:

1830  13 Jan  Halifax  

1231. Dean White to his brother Cornelius, in receipt of letters. ''This change of public heads at Home, have quite excited our nobs - they seeing the good of making friends with such personages, are quite agog to bow before them - and are determined to embrace the first oppy - Archibald & Hill have been sworn into office the former as atty general, the latter Solicitor - they both go home in a few days - Wm. Lawson is also on the wing to secure to himself the Key of the Provincial chest, as a good sort of mooring in his older days...This also starts Da Wallace [sic] who has for some time looked forward to supercede his Father - Fairbanks and others of the same interests follows. It is reported that Sir Peregrine is to be soon promoted & that his situation will be even nearer the petticoats - Sir Rupert said to Nat he expected to have a call to better quarters - this takes Hill to headquarters with Sir R's best wishes for his superceding him...The House was p[rorogued] yesterday in due form - you'll find the Pictou Acady bill is thrown out, after all the time & trouble it has occupied - also Rudolph's hobby, £850 for Cross Island Lighthouse.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1231

1830  16 Apr  Halifax  

1232. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius. ''What a pretty kettle of fish have the skippers of the state vessel cooked! They have managed to throw all the fat into the fire & have been amusing themselves with the pretty blaze it has made.'' Comments on Archibald's volte face and Barry's inconsistency. ''Now is the time to come forward in politics...The political game must now be played by men of entirely a different stamp from those who have been shuffling the cards. So far Nova Scotia politicks have been a paltry business, unworthy of the higher order of minds to descent to dabble in, but a new era has commented that will afford ''ample verge and scope enough.'' Uniacke has made a manly stand, but has left the arena. After all my drowsiness some little cherub that sits up aloft tells me that I am destined for a political career and I long to shake off the film of sloth & buckle on the armour and fight a good fight. My worthy opponent...has laid himself open & much may be made of it by skilful hands...a dissolution must take place a ssoon as the Governor returns...Do let me know your ideas candidly on prospects.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1232

1830  6 Jun  Halifax  

1233. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius, enclosing two deputations and asking if he would like one as surveyor. ''No news. The Govr. has arrived & is in a quandary. Poor man! He seems destined to paddle in troubled waters.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1233

1830  18 Jul  Plymouth  

1234. Joan White Davis to her brother Cornelius White, commenting on the great delay in the delivery of the two latest letters from Nova Scotia. Family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1234

1830  1 Sep  Antigonish  

1235. Bill for Rev. T. H. White's postage from 24 April to 1 Sept. 1830.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1235

1830  7 Sep  Halifax  

1236. Deane White to his brother Cornelius,  on business and family affairs. Relative to the election: "Snow promised Roach his interest thinking there was no other person to oppose him - When I told him that either you or Nat would offer he was quite confounded - I said this - not wishing the folk of Hax. to know Nats intentions." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1236

1830  17 Sep  Halifax  

1237. J. D. W. White to his brother Nathaniel, giving news of the election which is in progress. Comments on Murdoch, Barry, Blanchard, Deblois and young Roach. Arrival of whaling vessel. "The Election has Advanced thus far without quarreling but much confusion." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1237

1830  18 Sep  New York  

1238. Edward Brinley to Cornelius White,  on general and personal matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1238

1830  18 Sep  Halifax  

1239. Deane White to his father Gideon, chiefly with regard to the election returns.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1239

1830  27 Sep  Halifax  

1240. Deane White to his brother Cornelius,  giving general news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1240

1830  6 Oct  Halifax  

1241. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius, chiefly relative to the Shelburne election and the parts Barry, Roach, Colin Campbell and Nathaniel White may play in it.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1241

1830  20 Oct  Halifax  

1242. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius, in receipt of letter. Comments on the election, especially with regard to Messrs. Barry and Roach. "Jas. Uniacke has not come to Town, the warmth of the Election at Sidney C. B. prevented him - there has been three persons killed - Uniacke leads the poll - " Postscript: "Halifax is all anxiety to Know on what terms Great Britain has granted Jonathan an Access to our West Indies - We have not had one Word from home on the subject." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1242

1830  30 Oct  Halifax  

1243. James B. Uniacke to Nathaniel White at Shelburne, expressing regret at White's lack of success in the election. ''I have been returned by an immense majority - I spoke to Jeffery, who says that the board have not objected to the aye of the person at Shelburne, and if any vacancy occurs he will bear your brothers application in mind - At Arichat three men were killed and upwards of fifty wounded.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1243

1830  22 Nov  Halifax  

1244. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius. Large number of vessels are now in the harbour, having been detained by easterly winds. "The sale of Rum has indeed been brisk & to a greater extent these last two Months, than for any twelve Month since Halifax knew what Commerce is - There is not a dark hole in this town, that a Grocer can get access to, but 'tis cram'd with Rum, either in Vats or Casks of some kind & every Coaster that Returns home takes more or less...'Tis said that the House intends to put a heavier duty on all Spirits than has ever yet been levied; but this the Council will never agree to - the House knowing this, are fearful to enter on the subject." Probability of Halifax County's being divided has impelled him to apply to be made sheriff of the middle district. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1244

1830  26 Nov  Halifax  

1245. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius, on public and private affairs. ''After the long & tedious Eastern blast with which we have been visited I had almost depaired of seeing a sail from the west & began to think with the superstitious hen that Providence had interfered in behalf of our Revenue & had directed old AEolus to keep his wind pipe up to keep the rum pipes out until the wise worthies of the Land had done piping about Ways & Means & finally settled the important fourpenny controversy. The old fellow's bag however is exhausted, fleets of the burning liquid have been disgorged upon us, and the lungs of our Orators are in full play & the Great Question still undecided.'' Further comments on the brandy dispute, the admin istrator (Michael Wallace) and the Lt.-Governor (Maitland). ''Poor Barry! what a brief career has he run! Thus it is with all who are not sound at the core...The story of Roche's freehold is a funny thing, to be sure. I mentioned the circumstances at Robie's one day after dinner when only he & Judge Halliburton were present & they advised me to make the objection under the Election law which requires that the member elect shall, upon motion, lay upon the table a specification of his qualifications. I spoke to Steward on the subject who made the motion the first day of the Sessions. Roche in a great funk complied & Barry immediately started, posthast, no doubt, to screw up Cocken to the sticking place, who, he feared, might let the cat out. That there has been foul play I am convinced, but to get at it is the rub.'' Comments on the proposed division of Halifax County. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 955 No. 1245


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