Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1186 to 1200 of 1613 from your search:

1826  22 Nov  New York  

1186. Gideon White Jr. to his brother Cornelius, giving personal and family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1186

1826   Nov  Halifax  

1187. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius. He refutes the rumour that he is deeply in debt. "My prospects are daily brightening. I am advancing rapidly in professional consequence & a fig for all the buzzing of the envious say I. As to the Election I am quite easy on that score. Uniacke & I travelled together on the circuit. In him I have a warm friend & he will exert his interest...As to the Collectorship, the pledges to the Col. [Van Buskirk] had gone too far to be withdrawn; but keep a good heart - something will turn up." Family matters. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1187

1827  12 Feb  Halifax  

1188. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius relative to his contested election. ''I have just stolen a minute from the important debate now going on, upon the agency subject to quiet your anxiety. Barry's petitions have been put in & your reputation is left as pure as snow. He dared not after his public avowal of your impartiality say aught to the contrary. The question has gone to a committee & an excellent one it is. There were four lawyers drawn, all of whom he struck off. I have no fear of the result right or wrong. The feeling of the House is decidedly in my favour & much interest is making for me in all quarters. Barry has started for his witnesses, but will be disappointed in his attempt to introduce them. It will probably be a month before 'tis decided. Archibald's is now going on. His fate I think doubtful. I feel very sanguine.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1188

1827  19 Feb  Halifax  

1189. Nathaniel White to his father, enclosing letters. The Assembly has voted to frank letters. "My Election is not yet gone into & will I think go over 'till next Session." Holograph.
[No enclosure.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1189

1827  26 Feb  Halifax  

1190. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius. ''I think it doubtful if my Election will be decided this Session. Archibald's is still going on. It places me in the awkward situation as I am obliged to be silent on a question of much moment which has excited great sensation here i.e. the Customs question - I am obliged to play a cautious game which cramps me most confoundedly. However prudence must be my motto.'' Postscript states that ''The customs question occupied 5 successive days...'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1190

1827  4 Apr  Halifax  

1191. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius. The sage Committee who have been sitting in Judgt. Upon me have just returned their report & decided John C. Barry to be entitled to his seat. So that ''Othello's occupation's gone''! Tomorrow morning I shall take a formal leave of this august body whether in a huff or with the profoundest respect I have not yet determined. This will depend a good deal upon my feelings at the time. I have not time to give you all the particulars. Suffice it to say the battle has been well fought & I must submit. It will only require a little philosophy to support me & that I think I can muster. There is the devil to pay between the Council & House - The former have taken offence at a speech of Haliburton's in which he pictured them as a know of old women. All communn. is at an end & whole business at a stand - They require the House to punish him, which is refused. A dissolution will inevitably be the consequence - The Election turned altogether upon the qualificn. of the voters...'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1191

1827  22 May  Plymouth  

1192. Joan White Davis to her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon White, on personal and family matters.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1192

1827  23 May  London  

1193. Certificate that Messrs. James & E. Moody have been appointed Lloyd's agents at Yarmouth, subject to certain instructions.  Printed instructions. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1193

1827  19 Jun  Shelburne  

1194. 1. Deed for lots of land in Birchtown sold by Samuel Dixson to Wm. Keeling. Signed and witnessed.

2. Below: Receipt of money for land. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1194

1827   Oct  Halifax  

1195. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius. General and family matters. "The small-pox & typhus are committing dreadful ravages here & God knows whose turn comes next." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1195

1827  25 Dec  Plymouth  

1196. Sarah White Gannett to her brother Cornelius, giving family news.  In two parts dated 23rd and 25th Dec. Holograph.
[Filed under 11 Jan. 1828].

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1196

1828  11 Jan  Halifax  

1197. Thos. Howland White to his brother Cornelius. [Letter written across one from Sarah Gannett to Cornelius White, dated 23 Dec. 1827.] Family news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1197

1828  7 Feb  Plymouth  

1198. Joan White Davis to her brother Cornelius White, on family affairs. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1198

1828  28 May  Shelburne  

1199. J. D. W. White's receipt for 38s. 6d. For lumber purchased by Alexander Lyle.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1199

1828  11 Jun  Boston  

1200. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon White to Cornelius White. General and family news. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1200


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