Letter from Joseph Howe to Nicholl denying relief to Louie Meuse for his burnt camp. Gives permission to a white farmer to take crops off the Knockwood land as long as he knows that doing so sets up no claim to the land. Distribution of supplies for farming.
Date: 1843
Reference: Commissioner of Public Records - Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 432 pp. 184-185
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Order from Surveyor General C. Morris to Charles Alexis. "Be so good to accommodate the Bearers for Grants near Cape Sable agreeable to their wishes." Granted "a licence for the Indian Bearers to occupy their lands and usual hunting grounds unmolested."
Date: 1786
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Indians at Cape Sable
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Memorial of Tony and Nanny Vry, a Mi'kmaq family on behalf of themselves and ten children, and also on behalf of Captain Tony Vry Company, consisting of fifteen in number. They wish to have laid out to them 600 acres of land at or near Remsheg. On behalf of the company, they wish to have 4500 acres laid out at Merigomish in lieu of lands at or near Pictou. Noted by C.M.: "If His Excellency approves of it, I will write to one of my deputies to make the survey and on the return of it, His Excellency may grant what he sees fit."
Date: 1793
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Vry Tony & Others
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Petition by John Elexey and other Mi'kmaq on behalf of themselves and twenty other Mi'kmaq families, asking a grant of land on which they have settled at Pubnico, twennty miles back from salt water. They have built a house, several huts and raised a hundred bushels of potatoes, Indian corn and garden stuff.
Date: 1823
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Elexey John; Joseph & Other Indians
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Petition, warrants, surveyor's report and draft, and recommendations regarding Charles Gloade and other Mi'kmaq. The petitioners are hunters. The new road now opening between Annapolis and Liverpool will pass through their hunting grounds and the result will be, in a short time, the Mi'kmaq will lose their means of subsistance. They ask for a portion of land they propose to cultivate. Recommended by Abbe' Sigogne and Commissioners. Approved for Charles, John and Francis Gloade and Malti Paul in 1823. Warrant to survey for John Gloade. Warrant to survey for Charles Gloade. Surveyor's Report and Draft Grant for 200 acres; laid off in 1824.
Date: 1840
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Gloade Charles & Other Indians
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Memorial of Benjamin Labradore and Paul Nowel, Mi'kmaq born in Lunenburg and living in Mush Mush, for a licence for 300-400 acres for themselves and their families. Noted: "The land applied for by the petitioners lies within the township of Lunenburg and has been granted to the proprietors - whose extensive improvements on the first division of their lots entitles them to favourable consideration. C. Morris."
Date: 1809
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Labradore & Nowel
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Petition of Joseph Luxey and four other Mi'kmaq men who are permanent settlers at Roseway River, Long Island, Shelburne County. They have lived in one location for the past 25 years and are the fathers of 24 children. They ask a grant of the Island. Licence of Occupation granted for 200 acres.
Date: 1819
Reference: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests - Land grant registration books series Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 Ser. A - Luxey Joseph & Four Other Indians
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Petition of Andrew Mews on behalf of the Mi'kmaq people residing near the Gut of Annapolis, defending the right of the Mi'kmaq to hunt porpoise.
Date: 1821
Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly - Assembly petitions series Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 2 number 15
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Petition from Joseph Gloade and other Mi'kmaq of the County of Annapolis for a law to prevent the killing of moose in the month of March.
Date: 1844
Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly - Assembly petitions series Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 8A number 93
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Petition of Francis Speir, a Mi'kmaq from Merigomish, Pictou County, asking for agricultural implements for the Mi'kmaq.
Date: 1842
Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly - Assembly petitions series Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 44 number 48
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Petition of the Chiefs and Captains of the Mi'kmaq on Nova Scotia for aid to make farms.
Date: 1850
Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly - Assembly petitions series Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 45 number 162
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Letter from Edward Cutler to Rupert George reporting distress among Bear River Mi'kmaq, portrayal of Charles Gload's farm and allegations made against Chief Mews.
Date: 1841
Reference: Commissioner of Indian Affairs Nova Scotia Archives MG 15 volume 3 number 63
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Letter from W. Henry to Rupert George reporting on population of the Mi'kmaq in the county of Sydney, with a petition to W.M. Dodd for help from the Eskasoni Mi'kmaq and a list and number of inhabitants.
Date: 1841
Reference: Commissioner of Indian Affairs Nova Scotia Archives MG 15 volume 3 number 64
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Bills and receipts for supplies for Mi'kmaq, including those of Charles Glode and George Bertaux.
Date: 1841
Reference: Commissioner of Indian Affairs Nova Scotia Archives MG 15 volume 3 number 69
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Report from Clerk of Hants County reporting on Mi'kmaq there.
Date: 1842
Reference: Commissioner of Indian Affairs Nova Scotia Archives MG 15 volume 3 number 74
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