Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 376 to 390 of 1613 from your search:

1785  9 Jul  Shelburne  

376. Chas. Whitworth to Messrs. Debloise introducing Robt. Hellman, master of a whaling vessel, who goes to Halifax to obtain a Mediterranean Pass.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 376

1785  12 Jul  London  

377. Archibald Campbell to Gideon White, notifying him that he has been appointed secretary to General Campbell whom he will accompany to Madras, and recommending that White appoint Mr. Andrew Lawrie to receive his half-pay in place of the writer.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 377

1785  14 Jul  Halifax  

378. S. S. Blowers to Gideon White on Admirality Court business. ''It is impossible for me to give you such general advice respecting your duty as Deputy Registrar of the Court of Admiralty, as will serve you in all cases which may happen - I shall be at all times ready to aid you on any occasion, in which you may want it, but can now only say in general that your duty at large is to take such Examinations as you may have orders to take from the Court here - I think further that you should always take any preparatory Examinations which the Collector particularly or any Seizing Officer at your port may require you take, for which they should pay you at the time, or give you assurances of payment. Those taken by order of Court will if proper application is made be always taxed in the Costs and allowed by the Judge.'' Personal messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 378

1785  28 Jul  St. John  

379. Cornelius Van Horne to Chas. Whitworth, stating that if he hasn't a ready sale for household furniture in Shelburne he would likely find a market for it in St. John.  Personal messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 379

1785  11 Aug  Halifax  

380. Copy of decree of Richard Bulkeley, Registrar of the Vice-Admiralty Court, delivering up the schooner Harmony to the claimant and master, Samuel Osborne Doane.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 380

1785  16 Aug  Plymouth  

381. Thos. And Wm. Davis to Gideon White, asking his advice and assistance for Samuel O. Deane, whose fishing vessel has been seized at Shelburne.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 381

1785  18 Aug  London  

382. Paul Maylor to Gideon White, relative to their accounts. ''you will oblige several of your Brother officers in furnishing the information they wish Relative to their Land with you when Convenient.
Overleaf: Account current. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 382

1785  23 Aug  Halifax  

383. Messrs. Deblois to Chas. Whitworth, offering some "Exceeding Good Stone Lime", with which the market is glutted in Halifax. They wish to sell him 20 hogsheads at 35/ per, but might accept a lower price. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 383

1785  24 Aug  Shelburne  

384. Licence of occupation for lot no. 5, granted to James Torrane, to be forfeited and withdrawn unless improvements be made. 
Overleaf: bill of sale for land, 23 Mar. 1786, below. Signed by the board of agents.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 384

1785  28 Aug  Sissiboo  

385. Stephen Jones to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He is glad to hear that White has "a very Pleasant prospect". "God knows I am (from habit) as little acquainted with settling New Countries as any Loyalist now in Nova Scotia, nevertheless I have not been the most negligent. I drew my Land with the Regiment, one Hundred miles up St. Johns River, where I built a House 30 by 20, and put a family in it, and fifteen months ago I came to this place, since which have cut down and cut up twenty odd Acres, half of which is fit for immediate Improvement; I raised this Summer two Acres of Wheat and as much of Oats & Potatoes and in a few days shall put into the Ground four Acres fo Wheat and Rye." Messages to friends. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 385

1785  2 Sep  Shelburne  

386. Receipt of Levin Turner for £35 in payment for a small house, formerly the property of James Duke.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 386

1785  12 Sep  Shelburne  

387. Chas. Whitworth to [Messrs. Deblois], acknowledging letter and receipt of 20 hogsheads of line. The average sale price of the lime has been about 37/6 per hhd. Encloses account from Stephen Deblois for lime shipped from St. John to Shelburne, and a draft on John Newton for £60 for a boat Whitworth sold his son.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 387

1785  15 Sep  Halifax  

388. Table of fees established by the Council to be taken by the Naval Officer.  Signed by the Sec'y.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 388

1785  27 Sep  Halifax  

389. Messrs. Deblois to Chas. Whitworth, enclosing Capt. Wier's receipt for 10 hogsheads St. John lime.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 389

1785  28 Sep  Shelburne  

390. Chas. Whitworth to Messrs. Delbois, in receipt of letter. He feels that John Newton and son have not been fair with him relative to the boat young Newton bought; encloses letter and power of attorney to be used to force Newton to pay. Sale of lime is completed. Large cargo has just arrived from St. John which sells at 25/ per hhd. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 390


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