Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 451 to 465 of 1613 from your search:

1787  2 Mar  Green Harbour  

451. Lieut. D. McConnell to Gideon White, on arrival from the West Indies.  ''Capt. Jenkins…has shown me a Lott of Land of 300 Acres to be purchaced here which I think would be of Service to me, at least the Purchase Money is so small that I cannot let the Bargain Pass. 25Gs. Is the Sum he thinks I can get it for.'' He encloses draft for that sum and asks White to undertake the business for him.
Enclosures: 3 bills of exchange for £26, drawn by McConnel on James Montgomery etc., London in favour of White. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 451

1787  2 Mar  Green Harbour  

452. Three papers comprising a set of exchange for £26.5. drawn by D. McConnell on Jas. Montgomery, G. Prescott, Goodmans Fields, London, in favour of Gideon White. 
[Enclosed in McConnell to White, above.] Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 452

1787  17 Apr  Shelburne  

453. Deed conveying rights in lot of land and improvements [held by licence of occupation] from Wm. Ranken to Benjamin Davis Jr. 
[Filed with licence of occupation, 27 June 1785. above.] Signed, witnessed etc.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 453

1787  29 May  St. John  

454. Ward Chipman to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He reports on all the debts owed White by persons in the vicinity of St. John and regrets that he has had so little success in collecting them. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 454

1787   May  St. John  

455. Account of Gideon White with ward Chipman from May 1786 to May 1781.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 455

1787  22 Jun  Portsmouth  

456. Gideon White to his brother-in-law Charles Whitworth. He describes the voyage from Shelburne, the state of Portsmouth etc. He has sent his winter stock of butter (240 lbs.) and may send some sheep. Messages to friends. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 456

1787  1 Jul  Shelburne  

457. Capt. Robt. Gray to Gideon White, asking him to buy Barker's land for Col Fanning.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 457

1787  2 Jul  London  

458. Paul Maylor to Gideon White, in receipt of letters. Report on business. "There is No Such orders or Regulations from our Governt. To oblige an officer upon halfpay to ask liberty to Travel, but there is an order that all the officers upon halfpay Shall Make their attestation before a Justice of Peace in some Part of his Majestys Dominions in order to recover his halfpay, this was Done to prevent Gentn. that formerly lived in America from returning there to reside & spending that Poor Pittance out of his Majestys Dominions; you may Travel & go where you Please, only attending to the Making you att. as above Mentioned."
Overleaf: Account of Gideon White with Paul Maylor, from August 1785 to June 1787. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 458

1787  26 Jul  Shelburne  

459. Chas. Whitworth to James Clarke, relative to Benjamin Hart's debt ot Nathaniel Mills and himself. He wants Clarke to secure them a clear title to Hart's land. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 459

1787  31 Jul  Broad States  England

460. Nathaniel Whitworth to his brother Charles. Personal news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 460

1787  10 Aug  St. Johns I.  

461. Robt. Gray to Gideon White, repeating his request that White purchase Barker's land, on the island, for Col. Fanning.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 461

1787  15 Aug  London  

462. Lane Son & Fraser to Gideon White, in receipt. State of their business. Holograph in duplicate.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 462

1787  7 Sep  Boston  

463. Bill owed by Gideon White to Samuel Phillips Jr., for cattle, sheep, feed etc,., showing prices. Dated 28 July. Below: bill for similar goods, dated 7 Sept. Receipted.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 463

1787  15 Sep  Shelburne  

464. Return of names of persons given in to leave the province, in eight columns showing: year and month, day, names, where going, those who underwrite, what vessel and master, time of granting, and their bondsmen. Beginning 26 June 1786 and ending 15 Sept. 1787, with a gap, due to the first sheet having been torn, between 18 July and 27 Oct. 1786.   2 typewritten copies. [The original return is in the possession of Mr. T. H. White.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 464

1787  21 Sep  Jamaica  

465. Samuel Gould to his brother, relating the story of his misfortunes in having his vessel wrecked and then seized in Jamaica, and asking him to make explanations to his business friends in Shelburne. Although his own prospects are ruined, he hopes to make amends to them. Enclosed: 15 Sept. Copy (in Gould's writing) of deposition of Samuel Gould as to facts indicated in the letter re the seizure of the schooner Industry in Jamaica. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 465


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