Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 391 to 405 of 1613 from your search:

1785  29 Sep  Shelburne  

391. Decision of arbitration board relative to matter of dispute between Henry Guest and Gideon White in favour of White. Four signatures. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 391

1785  6 Oct  Liverpool  

392. Jos. Tinkham to Gideon White. Wishes him to send some good butter by the bearer, Mr. Allen. Also some shot. 
''I have this Evening been to hear Mr. Black Preach hope he made some of Shelburnites better by his Preaching there. Understand him & you had some tart Words together, Occasion'd through a Mistake on his part.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 392

1785  11 Oct  Shelburne  

393. Power of attorney by Lemuel Goddard Jr. in favour of his father. Overleaf: 4 Feb 1788, power to Gideon White, below Signed, etc.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 393

1785  22 Oct  Digby  

394. Nathaniel Whitworth's order on Maj. Thomas Millidge to pay £43.14 to Chas. Coulbourn.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 394

1785  2 Nov  London  

395. Thos. Dickason Jr. to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Various business matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 395

1785  19 Dec  St. John  

396. Certificate of Jonathan Sewell that a certain dated indenture was signed, sealed and delivered by Chas. Loosley as his free act and deed. Taken by Ward Chipman J. P. [For later copy of indenture see below.]  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 396

1785  29 Nov  St. John  

397. [Copy of] indenture conveying deed of property from Charles Loosley to Nathaniel Whitworth for £222.4.
Overleaf: Certificate of witness before J. P. Dated 19 Dec. above. Entry in book of deeds by deputy registrar. Dated 19 Dec.  Dated 29 Nov.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 397

1785  22 Dec  Cambridge  

398. Nathaniel Whitworth to his brother Charles, on arriving from St. John. Champion & Dickason's agent is here with receipts for his late remittance and hints that more is due, "which I hope my dear Charles will stimulate you to make the payment with all possible dispatch and prevent the remainder of my Bills falling a sacrifice." Expects to go to England in the Spring to settle their business etc. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 398

1786  26 Jan  Halifax  

399. Order of the Judge of Vice-Admiralty to his deputy marshall in Shelburne to attach the schooner Last Shift, for the owner's debt to Tench, Taylor, Bruce & Co., and deliver it to the sheriff of Shelburne County.  Signed by White, Registrar.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 399

1786  3 Feb  Halifax  

400. Jas. Clarke to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He thinks that in time White will be appointed to succed McEwen. "The Election Business I believe has made me many Enemies. However I have this Consolation that I have acted like an honest Man and that Shelburne is represented by a Gentleman of Integrity and Abilities an Ornament to his Country and an Honour to those who elected him - Mr. Ross by his Conduct has astonished even his best friends here, and I am sure those in Shelburne must feel not a little disgusted in knowing that he positively refused to sign the Requistion for a Scrutiny lest it should involve him in an Expense...Colo. Tongue connected himself with McNeill & Leckie, who availed themselves of that Connexion to serve Largin." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 400

1786  9 Feb  Liverpool  

401. John Thomas to Gideon White. He is about to lay his claim for tea destroyed in Plymouth in September 1784, and asks White for an affidavit also asks him to obtain one from Richard Hall, who was also in Plymouth at the time, and send them both to him at Halifax. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 401

1786  13 Feb  Halifax  

402. J. Aplin to Gideon White, in receipt of letters. ''I think I shall prevent any Escheat of the Barrington Lands; consequently you will not be able to get any Part of the Farm alluded to in your first Letter. - But should (contrary to my Expectation, or your own Wish) a Forfeiture of that Farm take Place, you may safely rely upon my Friendship in your Behalf. He will be writing Col. Tongue and will use all his influence with him to secure to you what you wish to be put into Possession of.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 402

1786  3 Mar  St. John  

403. Michl. Ambrose to Gideon White, thanking him or his services and asking him whether he has any further word regarding his business.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 403

1786  9 Mar  Halifax  

404. Jas. Clarke to Gideon White, in receipt of letters. Veiled references to an election case. "Blowers deserves every Attention and Mark of Respect from the real Loyalist and whatever you do be cool, sensible and deliberate that we may preserve a consistent Character for decency firmness & respect for Government. - Had the Address to Uniacke made its appearance a little sooner McEwen would have been attended to for his Patriotism and Thirst for universal Liberty - Their addressing for themselves and the other Freeholders is Monstrously Modest - Ross I leave - I am glad his Conduct is considered it is (sic) true Light - Towards me he has behaved unhandsomely - I pity and forgive him." "The Group you mention have always been mad - If they don't bite, and thereby diffuse their malignant Poison, let them rage and rave until their Strength is exhausted, when perhaps bleeding or and epispastic may relieve them...For political Reasons, if you take any Notice of the Address, do not be pointed towards Uniacke nor discover any Thing that has the appearance of Faction or the warmth of Party - Consult Wilkins in every Thing for be assured he ought to be looked up to as the Pole-Star of the Loyalists." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 404

1786  9 Mar  Halifax  

405. J. Aplin to Gideon White, relative to the position of deputy Naval Officer. ''I have lately seen young Mr. Tongue, who was fresh from his Father, and who tells me that Mr. Largin cannot be, without committing a great Indecency, displaced unless some Flaw can be found in his Conduct as an Officer under him. He exceedingly regrets his not knowing your Inclination of being Appointed to the Place, till after Largin was actually put in Possession of it. If anything can be truly alledged against him, I beg you to write me as soon as possible, for I am disposed to serve you, my dear Friend, beyond most people I know.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 405


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