Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1096 to 1110 of 1613 from your search:

1819  25 Nov  Shelburne  

1096. Account of Valentine Nutter with Gideon White from Oct. 1815 to 25 Nov. 1819.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1096

pre 1820   Nov  Liverpool  

1097. Nathaniel White to his father. He is en route to Annapolis with his brother Miles. "A million a year would not induce me to live in this mongrel town." [Liverpool]. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1097

1820  29 Jan  Shelburne  

1098. Incomplete paper by Geo. W. Gracie, releasing all claims on Thos. Crowell, one of their father's administrators. 
Overleaf: Receipt in full for Mr. Crowell's account, signed by Gracie. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1098

1820  21 Feb  Shelburne  

1099. [Copy of] contract made by John and Robt. Fraser with Cornelius White for building a house. Dimensions, directions and conditions. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1099

1820  6 Mar  Shelburne  

1100. 1. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius, relative to several matters of business. Holograph, Postscript.

2. Sarah White to the same. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1100

1820  6 Mar  Halifax  

1101. Cornelius White to his brother Dean, relative to the house which he is having built in Shelburne.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1101

1820  20 Mar  Shelburne  

1102. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius, in reply to his letter relative to building his house. News. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1102

1820  24 Mar  Plymouth  

1103. 1. Wm. Davis to Cornelius White,  on family and general matters. Holograph.

2. Joan White Davis to the same. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1103

1820  29 Apr  Halifax  

1104. Charles Morris to Gideon White. ''I use this freedom to address you on behalf of a number of hardy Worthy Emigrants who have been and are desirous of Settling in the Interior of Shelburne - on Land long Waste and derelict - and of no intrinsic Value but to the hardy Setler who is content to toil and labour with the Sweat of his Brow - solely for the sake of laying a foundation for his children who from their habits and familiar acquaintance with the Stumps of the trees felld by their Fathers - became attached to the Forest as a home - and lay the foundation of a growing Country - and at length the chearing sound of the Woodmans Axe and the Smoke of his hamlet is heard and seen in Wilds only traversed from the Creation by the Savage or the hunter - With a most anxious desire to see the Town of Shelburne revive - the asylum of Loyalty - and those who made such sacrifices of their Estates and property and commence anew and at length after a lapse of Years see at last a hardy useful sober Race of Men come among them - able and Willing to contend with the Wilderness. I have been useing the best of my poor endeavours to direct the tide of Emigration to your district - in the firm hope that Government will assist the measure by every means in its power and that by Roads of communication thro the good Lands in the interior - and a Settlement of hardy Emigrants Agriculture and Commerce will revive - and to accelerate this measure it was intended that every Person holding Land up the Roseway Clyde or other Rivers - and had not been able to cultivate their Lands as intended and as they were bound by their Grant - should notwithstanding be compensated for any moderate improvement they might have made - by other Lands of larger extent in some other Situation so as to enable Government to preserve an unbroken extended line of Settlement whereby the People - might by the Statute labour and mutual assistance open the Interior and Settle the County to advantage. In a word my dear Sir I have authority to assure you - that if you can be reconciled in Justice to yourself and Family to lend your Aid in the encouragement of the Settlement of these Worthy people I shall never cease in my endeavours to afford you ample compensation - in Lands more Valuable and advantageously Situated. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1104

1820  26 May  Halifax  

1105. J.W. Johnston to Nathaniel White. He asks for his services for the defendant in the cause of Wilcox vs. Smith at Windsor. "I have no time for electioneering politics…Tupper goes from Halifax with near 300 votes all given by people in this part of the County to whom he was a total stranger. - The Causes as near as I can learn are - Radicalism - Enmity to the different Old Members - The love of Fun - respect for the appearance & deportment of Tupper which certainly are very much in his favor - and indignation at the mode of his reception by Smith. Arch'd for once lost his temper & made a violent & ill judged Phillipic - How the matter will go I am at a loss to say Pryor & Grassie a tye. Had they had a little courage and preserved a little good faith with each other, they both would have succeeded & Albro have gone out - I have not time to explain this, but it is so." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1105

1820  29 May  Plymouth  

1106. Wm. Davis Jr. to Gideon White, on family matters and general news. Dated 26 May, announcing the birth of a son. Postscript, dated 29 May, announcing the birth of a son. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1106

1820  4 Jul  Liverpool  

1107. Jared Chipman to Gideon White, on various public matters. You will perceive by the Newspapers that I have presented the address to his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, which he received most graciously and appeared much gratified with our attention on this occasion, - I had an opportunity of seeing him once or twice and was much pleased with his gentlemanly affable deportment - I think he is a man of business, and I hope that both inclination and policy will lead him to cultivate a good understanding with the people and the various authorities of the country and especially with the Assembly -...I am happy to learn Bingay and McKinnon succeeded at Argyle, and by so large a majority. I understand however that there was very warm contest and a good deal of wrangling among the Acadians and the Yarmouth Freeholders. - The zeal and spirit displayed by Shelburn and Argyle will, I trust, put an end to the further attempts of Yarmouth agt. Shelburne.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1107

1820  10 Jul  Boston  

1108. John Davis to Gideon White,  on family and general matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1108

1820  2 Aug  Halifax  

1109. [Circular]. Rupert George. Prov. Sec'y, to Gideon White, asking his co-operation in collecting for the subscription which is being made for erecting a statue of the late Duke of Kent in London.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1109

1820  5 Aug  Horton  

1110. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius,  on family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1110


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