Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1051 to 1065 of 1613 from your search:

1817  29 Jul  Shelburne  

1051. (Capt.) Samuel Chambers to Gideon White, asking him to assist Lt. Hooker and his party in apprehending deserters from his ship.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1051

1817   Jul  Shelburne  

1052. (Capt.) Samuel Chambers to Gideon White, thanking him for his assitance in apprehending two of the deserters from the Dee.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1052

1817  1 Aug  Sandy Pt.  

1053. (Capt.) S. Chambers to Gideon White, relative to deserters who have escaped and been given passes by one of the Tusket magistrates.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1053

1817  8 Aug  Annapolis  

1054. Thos. Ritchie to Gideon White, giving him directions with regard to the sale of a horse.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1054

1817  25 Aug  Halifax  

1055. C. F. Earle to his uncle, Gideon White. He expects that his ship will be delayed in Halifax five or six weeks, while the commanding officer is absent. He encloses an extract of a letter from his mother. Holograph.
Enclosed: part of letter of 29 June from same.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1055

1817  18 Oct  Annapolis  

1056. Nathaniel White to his father, Gideon, on various topics. ''We met the Governor &c. at Digby…Torrians introduced me to him & I found him very attentive and particularly inquisitive about Shelburne.''  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1056

1817  31 Oct  Shelburne  

1057. 1. Gideon White to his son Cornelius, on matters of business. He wants to make connection with some West Indies merchant to supply him with certain goods. Asks him to inform Mr. Cogswell "that no Commission has been sent here for what is called the 10£ Act — much distress has happd by this neglect." Holograph.

2. Note from Mrs. Gideon White to the same. Holograph. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1057

1817  17 Nov  Annapolis  

1058. Nathaniel White to his father. "I am astonished at the condition in which your Country has been allowed to remain with regard to the collection of debts. The Commissioners have been acting on the late wise law in this Country for 3 or 4 months past & so great has been the thronging to it that they have never been able to compleat their business within their legal terms, which is two days." They had nearly two hundred causes on their first docket, more than 200 on their second & so on in almost geometrical proportions until God knows where they will stop. The suitors are very much dissatisfied with the Court & their very summary mode of proceeding, but necessity induces them to resort to it. There is not a doubt but that in civil cases the power is altogether taken from the magistrates & perfectly null & expose them to a prosecution for trespass. In penal cases, however, the remedy is still the same as it was & the magistrates alone have jurisdiction ... The next assembly will, I amagine, bring things back to their old standing again." Holograph

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1058

1817  29 Dec  Shelburne  

1059. Gideon White to his son Cornelius,  relative to his business concerns and those of his son Gideon. (20 Dec.)
Postscript by the same, on family matters.
Another letter, dated 29 Dec., from same to same, chiefly relating to Gideon's failings as a business man. All holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1059

1817  30 Dec  Shelburne  

1060. Gideon White to White, Creighton & Co., Halifax, asking them to send certain articles which he needs in putting his son John Deane Whitworth into business.  (Dated 29 Dec.) Holograph.
Enclosed: memorandum of articles, dated 30 Dec

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1060

1817   Dec  Shelburne  

1061. Mrs. Gideon White to her son Cornelius, on family matters, particularly the action of Gideon leaving his father's business at Shelburne. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1061

1818  15 Jan  Annapolis  

1062. Nathaniel White to his brother Cornelius, on various topics. Family matters. "Your ideas & practics as to society are, I must acknowledge, precisely mine four years since, but take my word for it & I speak from experience, they are very erroneous & uncomfortable. You have a very good opportunity of getting into society & the best society too & I sincerely hope you will improve it. The Almons, I am sure, will pay you every attention if you will allow them, & you have no idea of the importance to a young man of mixing in good society. I have been fortunate enough to be thrown into it & would not part with the advantages I have received from it for the fattest fortune in Nova Scotia. Mrs. Johnston writes me constantly on this subject. She says you are perfectly incorrigible." He asks him to send a fashionable surtout, either blue or brown. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1062

1818  27 Jan  Annapolis  

1063. Nathaniel White to his father, on general and family matters. He urges him to give up keeping shop.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1063

1818  28 Feb  Bermuda  

1064. Cornelius Earle to his cousin Cornelius White. Entirely personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1064

1818  2 Mar  Shelburne  

1065. Mrs. Gideon White to her son Cornelius. Family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1065


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