Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1021 to 1035 of 1613 from your search:

1815  1 Nov  Shelburne  

1021. Mrs. Gideon White to her son Cornelius. Entirely personal. Holograph.
Postscript: partially missing, by Gideon White. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1021

1815  17 Nov  Digby  

1022. Peleg Wiswall to Thos. Crowell, in reply to a letter. General news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1022

1815  23 Nov  Annapolis  

1023. Nathaniel White to his father, chiefly relative to the practice of law in Nova Scotia. "One Court treads so closely on the heels of another that I really can think of nothing not immediately connected with them. The litigous spirit that prevails in this County is truly astonishing. There is, in fact, scarcely an individual that is not in the course of the year either Plaintiff of Defendant. And the beauty of it is they do it with such perfect good humour that like the spatting of two attorneys their disputes cease and entire cordiality prevails the instant the suit is decided. ...In the last Year there haave been about six hundred suits instituted in this county, nearly three fourths of which have been brought by Mr. Ritchie. His practice is almost incredibly extensive, and is the result of close and indefaticable application unassisted by any remarkable endowments either natural or acquired. There is indeed so much sameness in the cases that occur in this country and so plain a tract has been beaten, that the practice has become quite mechanical and requires only moderate parts but most immoderate labour and toil. There is nothing in my opinion that so effectually cramps genius and stifles all liberality of principle, as the constant repetition of form. It binds one down to precedent without allowing the smallest latitude of thought or expression. I refer to the practical forms in Our Courts of Law, which every man of sense must acknowledge to be unnecessarily and even ridiculously prolix, and evidently contrived with no other view than increase of Costs. An Attorney should be made of stern and obdurate stuff to be conversant without rremorse in the many scenes which he is obliged to witness." Family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1023

1815  5 Dec  London  

1024. Favell & Bousfield to Gideon White, transmitting their final account.  Holograph.
Overleaf: account.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1024

1816  4 Mar  London  

1025. Rufus Chandler to Gideon White, explaining why he paid some money into the hands of White's agents and asking that it be paid back as soon as possible. He is glad to hear that Miles is a successful merchant in Halifax.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1025

1816  20 Mar  Cambridge  Mass.

1026. Mr. Gannett to his father-in-law, Gideon White. Personal and family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1026

1816  11 Apr  Liverpool  

1027. J. D. W. White to his brother Cornelius, Halifax merchant, asking him to send the invoice of the goods the writer got out of the store.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1027

1816  20 Jun  Annapolis  

1028. Nathaniel White to his father, Gideon White. Comments on the legal profession, especially Mr. Wiswall. His own plans.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1028

1816  27 Jun  Shelburne  

1029. 1. Gideon White to his son Cornelius. He asks him to act as his agent for his half-pay. Personal matters.

2. Mrs. Gideon White to Cornelius, on personal matters and asking him to send certain articles for the house. Both holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1029

1816  16 Jul  Shelburne  

1030. Fifteen papers, dated from 22 January 1814 to 16 July 1816, relative to the estate of Samuel Davenport. Chiefly accounts. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1030

1816  25 Aug  Yarmouth  

1031. Robert K. Black to Thos. Crowell, on business and general news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1031

1816  20 Nov  Niagara  

1032. Joshua Pell to Gideon White. White's letter was forwarded but has never arrived; he would like to know the contents and also in what condition his land is.
Postscript relative to the war, and the fertility of the land and high cost of living in his neighbourhood. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1032

1816  21 Nov  Annapolis  

1033. Nathaniel White to his brother Gideon, explaining that he cannot be present at Gideon's wedding because of the press of legal business, and commenting on the married state.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1033

1809-1816   Nov  Shelburne  

1034. Nine papers showing various legal fees and otherwise connected with the law, variously dated between 1809 and Dec. 16, 1816.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1034

1816  31 Dec  Barrington  

1035. Returns of monies expended from the licence fund for repairing roads and bridges, signed by the commissioner, Ebenezer Crowell.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 1035


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