Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 976 to 990 of 1613 from your search:

1812   Nov  Shelburne  

976. Table showing justices' fees between March 1801 and Nov. 1812.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 976

1813  4 Feb  Digby  

977. Peleg Wiswall to Marshall & Crowell, Yarmouth, in receipt of letter. Business matters. "My things are packed up, and I am in a state of preparation for Halifax, intending to set out the day after tomorrow - I take my own Sley & Horse, and my young man George to bring it back…By the new regulations to take place next week we are to have only one St. Johns Packet which is to cross the Bay once a fortnight - the post from Halifax to come to us once in a fortnight only - the English Mails for Canada, Sir John & Fredericton to go weekly by the way of Cumberland...the Transport sailed on Sunday for St. John full of Troops from Annapolis - more Troops arrived yesterday at Annapolis (by land) from Halifax which are to follow on - Their route is up St. Johns River and thence across the woods to Canada." Dated 2 Feb. Postscript, dated 4 Feb..."N.B. It is suggested that the Transport Service for these Coasts could be performed cheaper and safer by employing Small Vessells such as Schooners &c. of 100 tons burthern owned in N Scotia & manned by N. S. Seamen & pilots" -  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 977

1813  22 Mar  London  

978. Rufus Chandler to Gideon White,  giving directions for Nathaniel White to follow in order that the remainder of his legacy from his uncle may be paid him as soon as possible after he shall come of age. Form to be filled in and sent. Holograph [In triplicate, 2 dated 22 Mar., 1 dated 5 Apr. 1813.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 978

1813  30 Mar  Halifax  

979. Miles White to his brother Gideon, on various business matters, giving prices - "recollect you engaged to let me have a Keg of Gin - Don’t Doctor it as I want it for my own use -" Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 979

1813  18 Apr  London  

980. Favell & Bousfield to Gideon White, transmitting their general account to April 18th.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 980

1813  27 Apr  Halifax  

981. Miles White to his brother Gideon  on business. Salt has gone up in price. "Tea, Gunpowder &c. are not to be had at any advantage until the arrivals…it is reported here this day that five privateers are Cruizing between Cape Sable and Liverpool to intercept the Prizes of the Liverpool Privateers." He orders some fish, specifying the price. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 981

1813  5 May  Halifax  

982. Miles White to his brother Gideon on business matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 982

1813  12 Jun  Halifax  

983. Nathaniel Whitworth White to his brother Gideon. He describes the arrival of the Chesapeake in Halifax Harbour. "Nearly 2 hours before she hove in sight, the wharves were lined with Inhabitants, from a Telegraphic report from below. She proved to be the Chesapeake, prize to the Shannon, Come. Broke A more decisive action could not have been fought. That such dreadful havoc should have been made in so short a time as 11 minutes, is almost incredible." Superiority of the Chesapeake to the Shannon. The victory of the latter "is considered here the greatest victory ever gained by a single ship, and owing in a great measure to the superior judgement and bravery of Capt. Broke." Further description of the engagement and the condition of the vessel afterwards. Family news. [Typewritten copy. Original letter is in the possession of T. H. White, Esq.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 983

1813  24 Jun  Yarmouth  

984. 1. Letter of attorney making Thos. Crowell attorney for Harding & Hill with regard to prizes taken by the armed schooner Fly. Signed, sealed, and witnessed. Dated 24 June.

2. Statement of Harding & Hill that they wish Crowell to look after the above business. Dated 2 June

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 984

1813  30 Jul  Shelburne  

985. Letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel Devenport, signed by the register of the court of probates. 
Annexed: copy of will of Devenport. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 985

1813  1 Oct  Demerara  

986. Letter of attorney making Thos. Crowell of Yarmouth attorney for van Senden & Co. especially as regards monies due from the estate of Samuel Marshall, deceased.  Signed, sealed and witnessed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 986

1813   Oct  Shelburne  

987. Part of report made by H. F. Willoughby to Gideon White, as to privateering cruise of H. M. ship "Orpheus", which captured a vessel on April 16th, 1813.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 987

1814  7 Feb  Annapolis  

988. Wm. Muir to Thos. Crowell,  reporting on business. Two postscripts on business and news. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 988

1814  9 Jun  Halifax  

989. Insurance policy for £200 taken out by James Dore on half the hull, materials and appurtenances of the schooner "Queen", and for £100 on the cargo aboard the vessel during a voyage from Halifax to Labrador.  Printed form with details written in. Signed by nine insurers.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 989

1814  6 Jul  Annapolis  

990. 1. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Miles, on personal and family business. Holograph.

2. The same to his father, relative to business. [Overleaf] 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 953 No. 990


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