Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Helen Creighton Audio Reel 5433
Complainte du Juif Errant
00:00:03 - Eliza Jane
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1912 performed by Mrs. Stanislas Pothier at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Dark was the night, cold blows the wind — August 1951
Complainte du Juif Errant
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1913 performed by Mrs. Stanislas Pothier at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Est il rien sur la terre — August 1951
00:08:26 - Complainte sur le Voyage du Brig 'Vinallia'
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1914 performed by Mrs. Stanislas Pothier at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Chantons de Marie le secors — August 1951
00:10:00 - Ecrivez Moi
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1915 performed by Laura McNeil at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Ecrivez moi pour adoucer l'absence — August 1951
00:11:53 - La Bella Rosa du Rosier Blanc
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1916 performed by Laura McNeil at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: J'ai cueilli la belle rose — August 1951
00:13:10 - Chanson Sur la Mort du Dauphin
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1917 performed by Sephora Amirault at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: Gemissez francais au partage et au regret — August 1951
00:19:00 - Quand Byron Entre dans Paris
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1918 performed by Laura McNeil at West Pubnico, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia — August 1951
00:20:00 - [Unidentified]
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1919 — 1951
00:20:15 - When First To This Country
Audio Reel: 5433 Recording number: 1920 performed by Bernard Young at East Petpeswick, Halifax County, Nova Scotia
first line of lyric: When first to this country a stranger I came — September 1951

Interested in a particular style of folk song or type of story? Helen often assigned a genre term to her recordings. Choose a genre below to listen.

Interested in recordings in a particular language? Helen recorded people singing and speaking in multiple languages. Language terms were assigned by Creighton herself. Choose a language below to listen:

Interested in recordings with a particular instrument? Helen recorded people playing and signing with multiple instruments. Instrument solos and/or accompaniment were assigned by Creighton herself. Choose an instrument below to listen:

Audio Reel 5433

Read Helen Creighton's recording notes along with archival documentation related to these audio recordings: Mf289-396 PDF Mf289-397 PDF

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.