Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 511 to 525 of 1613 from your search:

1789  8 Dec  Barrington  

511. Andrew Collins to Gideon White, expressing deep gratitude and his intention to live up to White's good opinion of him. 
Postscript warning White not to depend on Mr. Gardner's supplying him with hay, since his vessel has been delayed. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 511

1789  10 Dec  Mass  

512. Levi Thayer to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He has given Mr. Sullivan a power of attorney so that he may proceed against the ship New Hope. Details of other business. Postscript. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 512

1789  12 Dec  Nfld.  

513. Nathaniel Phillips to Gideon White, expressing his regret at not hearing from White after his return from the United States. He hopes there was no bad news of his family. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 513

1790  1 Jan  London  

514. Nathaniel Whitworth to his brother-in-law Foxcroft. Business and family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 514

1790  19 Jan  Shelburne  

515. Indenture conveying ownership of land from Daiv McKenzie to Stephen Skinner, with a provisional clause allowing McKenzie to recover the land on repaying the purchase money before the forth-coming September. 
Overleaf: record of registration of indenture. Signed, sealed etc.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 515

1790  28 Mar  Charleston  

516. D. Hall to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Entirely personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 516

1790  3 Apr  St. John  

517. Ward Chipman to Gideon White, stating in reply to White's letter that he has given in his demand against Willard's estate, but has little hope of any result, since the debt is heavy.  Copy.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 517

1790  27 Apr  Halifax  

518. C. K. Allicocke to Gideon White, introducing Capt. John Moor, who is seeking work in Shelburne and asking White's good offices.  Friendly messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 518

1790  19 May  New York  

519. Isaac Laurence to Gideon White, asking his advice whether to come to Nova Scotia to prosecute for a debt which Nathaniel Ray Thomas owes, or to authorize someone to prosecute in Laurence's name. Greetings. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 519

1790  14 Jun  Halifax  

520. Wm. Frost to Gideon White, in receipt of letters. He will be glad to carry on a correspondence, but has been too busy preparing despatches to write. Relative to the legislative session, he writes: "Here you have left us Working for Nothing, no Provision made for the Officers of Government, some of them distress'd for want of their Warrants, and until you meet again, God Knows how they are to make out." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 520

1790  2 Jul  Isle Thanet  

521. Nathaniel Whitworth to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He sends legal instrument which will enable White to settle Whitworth's business with his brother. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 521

1790  20 Sep  London  

522. Paul Maylor to Gideon White, enclosing account and giving general news. 
Overleaf: account to date. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 522

1790  14 Oct  London  

523. Paul Maylor to Gideon White, relative to their accounts. Comments on the international situation which he thinks will not lead to war with Spain. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 523

1790  16 Oct  Boston  

524. P. Jarvis to Gideon White. Messages from England, in particular from Nathaniel Whitworth. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 524

1790  18 Oct  Boston  

525. Thos. Dawes Jr. to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Personal messages. He sends some cash from Phillips, who promises more. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 525


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