Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 286 to 300 of 1613 from your search:

1784  18 Jun  Halifax  

286. Messrs. Alexr. & Thos. Copeland to Charles Whitworth. They transmit exchange for £40. currency to be held to their credit. Enclose account current with McKie and Kerlie who have dissolved partnership, and ask Whitworth to settle it. [Very bad spelling.] Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 286

1784  19 Jun  Halifax  

287. John Prince to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He relates his dealings with Stanhope over some horses and thanks White and his other friends for their aid. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 287

1784  20 Jun  Chedabucto  

288. 1. Return of the disbanded officers and privates, with their wives, children and servants, of the Duke of Cumberland's regiment settled at Chedabucto, with the number of acres of land allotted each. Signed.

2. List of loyal refugees on board the Argo, going from East Florida to Chedabucto. Copy.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 288

1784  21 Jun  Maugerville  New Brunswick

289. John Cunningham to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Reports on various friends who are settled in Cunningham's neighbourhood. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 289

1784  24 Jun  Lymington  England

290. James Ballmer to Gideon White. He will sail for Nova Scotia as soon as the vote for half pay shall be settled. He sends this by a ship sent by Mr. Whitworth to load salt. "..if the Lands should be divided before I come pray do the needfull for me.." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 290

1784  1 Jul  Liverpool  

291. Joseph Tinkham to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. The frame landed at Shelburne was satisfactory. "I got (soon after Mr. Miller arrived at Shelburne) a Minuit [sic] from the Clerk of the Court of the bills of Cost which had been paid in the different Suits which had been commenced in this Court on your Acct. and transmitted the same to Mr. Miller to enable him to Settle with any of those persons.." Recommends Elkanah Freeman, who goes to Shelburne to collect some money. Personal messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 291

1784  9 Jul  Halifax  

292. James Gautier to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Various details of White's business, which Gautier is conducting. Personal news and messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 292

1784  11 Jul  Halifax  

293. Capt. Brownrigg to Gideon White on arrival from Chedabucto. The trouble he has had with McPherson and MacDonald (?) was partly responsible for driving him out. His and White's presence together at Chedabucto essential. Personal messages. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 293

1784  13 Jul  Liverpool  

294. Joseph Tinkham to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Business and personal. "McClearn left this place soon after you, & went in the Country back of Halifax & have not heard from him since.." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 294

1784  26 Jul  R. St. John  

295. Monson Hayt to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Reports on persons whom White considers debtors, but who deny that they owe him. Will be glad to help him recover any debts in the neighborhood. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 295

1784  27 Jul  Halifax  

296. Wm. Abbott to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He promises to take care of any letters of goods which may arrive for White or Mr. Kingsley. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 296

1784  29 Jul  London  

297. Nathaniel Whitworth to his sister, in anticipation of sailing for the United States.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 297

1784  30 Jul  Shelburne  

298. Chas. Whitworth to Messrs. Champion & Dickason, announcing the arrival of the vessel "Eagle" with goods to the amount of £3580.11.3. The bohea tea is overcharged, since "it is selling in this Place this Day by single Pound Cheaper than I am Charged in London by Chest." Recommends to their notice Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Thayer who go to purchase goods for Shelburne.   Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 298

1784  2 Aug  Carleton  

299. Eleazer Done to Gideon White, promising to pay his account late in September.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 299

1784  3 Aug  Shelburne  

300. Draft of letter from Gideon White to Thos. Melish, Jamaica. Directions with regard to his business on the island. He is to send rum, sugar and coffee owed by Maj. McDonald on to Nova Scotia; his agents are: John Prince in Halifax, Chas. Whitworth in Shelburne and Robt. Or Wm. Pagan in St. John. "You I suppose are Anxious to here what kind of Situation we are in - in this Quarter - be assured it is dam'd hard 'tho in the Course of a few years it will be a very Eligible Situation. I am here securing my little Land &c - but shall not build 'till matters are better Regulated - We have about 15,000 Inhabitants here and but very little Justice, Owing to the misconduct or folly of those in power - In this Town are 2700 Houses - Above 2000 are framed - And business will soon be sprightly. the Whale and Cod fishys. are now attended too - One Whaleman has Arrived with 500 Barrels - nex Year I expect to see great exertions - but at present every Man seems intent on a House, Wharfe, Stores &c." Chedabucto is one of the best situations. He has tried to have lands for Melish and several other officers in his regiment secured, but the Governor has decreed that no person can have land who is not on the spot. News of various friends. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 300


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