Directions with regard to his business on the island. He is to send rum, sugar and coffee owed by Maj. McDonald on to Nova Scotia; his agents are: John Prince in Halifax, Chas. Whitworth in Shelburne and Robt. Or Wm. Pagan in St. John. "You I suppose are Anxious to here what kind of Situation we are in - in this Quarter - be assured it is dam'd hard 'tho in the Course of a few years it will be a very Eligible Situation. I am here securing my little Land &c - but shall not build 'till matters are better Regulated - We have about 15,000 Inhabitants here and but very little Justice, Owing to the misconduct or folly of those in power - In this Town are 2700 Houses - Above 2000 are framed - And business will soon be sprightly. the Whale and Cod fishys. are now attended too - One Whaleman has Arrived with 500 Barrels - nex Year I expect to see great exertions - but at present every Man seems intent on a House, Wharfe, Stores &c." Chedabucto is one of the best situations. He has tried to have lands for Melish and several other officers in his regiment secured, but the Governor has decreed that no person can have land who is not on the spot. News of various friends.
Reference: Gideon White Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 948 number 300.
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