Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 271 to 285 of 1613 from your search:

1784  28 Apr  London  

271. Invoice of goods shipped with Capt. Ker.  Unsigned.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 271

1784  3 May  Halifax  

272. [Copy of] receipt given by Gideon White for articles issued from the military stores for the 2nd battalion of the Duke of Cumberland's regiment.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 272

1784  3 May  Halifax  

273. Note from Commissioner Duncan relative to the sailing of the ''Content'', which is in the General's hands.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 273

1784  16 May  Chedabucto  

274. John McPherson to Gideon White, reporting their arrival and difficulties. ''We arrived here in a passage of 3 days & were much pleased with our views of settling but find ourselves much disappointed by the conduct of the Surveyor that came along with us. I can in the first place prove that he is incapable of the business he has undertaken, & secondly he intends to push in as many people as he thinks proper to draw lots with us, such as the Captn. & Mate of the Transport &c. he talks of giving them water lots & will give us none, he has made the most confused tedious piece of business in laying out the Town I ever saw, his conduct is insufferable, if it had not been for the assistance of a Gentleman here that understands surveying & my own help he could have done nothing hitherto, he says his instructions from Government leavs him at liberty to act as he pleases & that he will not give us water lotts till he has an order from the Governor or Surveyor General for so doing.'' Asks White to procure the order. Sends McDonald's compliments. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 274

1784  19 May  Shelburne  

275. John Miller to Gideon White at Halifax. He has received and paid freight for the goods White expected; the vessel from Kingston not yet arrived. He wishes to buy a frame of White's and asks for a reply by the first opportunity. Messages from himself and Tom Miller to their friends in Halifax. Will White ask Col. Ned Winslow whether Miller is likely to receive the bat and forage money he petitioned Gen'l Campbell for?  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 275

1784  24 May  London  

276. Nathaniel Whitworth to Gideon White, reporting his lack of success in collecting White's bills, etc. ''Col. Powell was the first I waited on, and who to my very great surprize inform'd me, that upon the evacuation of Charlestown, he with the other field Officers of the Militia conceiv'd you to have been with the Americans, and of course excluded in the Return made here for pay, as it included only those that actually were at the evacuation, and had no prospects of returning to their former places of abode, but how was he surprizd on my mentioning the period of your leaving Charlestown, your sufferings at the commencement of the War and having a Company in the Duke of Cumberlands Regiment.'' Advises him to apply through Balfour for his pay. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 276

1784  24 May  Halifax  

277. Part of letter to Nathaniel Whitworth apparently from his brother Charles. He has been detained in Halifax by illness and the slow sale of rum, but will sail for Shelburne at the first opportunity, since he has word of the arrival of his goods there. I have sold only five Puncheons at 3/6 the Purchaser Payg. The Duty; I have exposed it to Public Sale several times, but nobody inclin'd to Purchase, and as my Business at Shelburne is of so much greater Consequence, shall leave the Rum with Mr. G. Dobloise with instructions to sell it, if Possible, and Proceed with all Posible Dispatch there, and as I am told the Duty on Rum is not Pay'd at Shelburne and will be taken of[f] here upon reshiping, if on my Arrival there find it will answer shall send for it. Capt. Cocken will look after goods until his return; Cocken has a store which Charles may rent.
    ''With respect to your outstanding Debts in this Province I'm sorry to say cannot give any flattering Accounts of, I have only seen Miller & Hart the former I am told has mortgaged his house and everything he has, a very fine five Hundred Acre Lott excepted, which lies near Shelburne, and which I am advis'd and mean to Lay hold of upon my Arrival, the latter in great Distress the Day I was in Shelburn he declair'd he had not a Shilling to Purchase a loaf of Bread. he has got a Grant of a very fine lott upon the left hand side going up the Harbour of Shelburne, where by the Assistance of some of His Friends (he being originally a Rope Maker) is building a Walk for Carrying on that Business...Our friend Capt. Gid White is here he intends going to Shelburne with me but I believe will not Settle there, as the Lands for both Battallions of the D of Cumberlands Regiment is taken up at a Place call'd Chedabucto about thirty Leagues to the Eastward of this, which Place I believe he intends to make his residence.'' Incomplete. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 277

1784   May  Ireland  

278. [Copy of] letter from Capt. Phillip Sergeant to Paul Maylor, relative to the bill which Gideon White has directed Maylor to collect from him. 
[Overleaf in Maylor to White, 3 June, below

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 278

1784  2 Jun  London  

279. George Parker to Charles Whitworth, consigning the ship Nancy to him.  ''I have furnished you with an Invoice of the Cargo, and Inclos'd you a Bill of Lading, the Amount with Freight, Insurance &c. at the exact first Cost £3444.16.6 Stg.'' Has chartered the ship for the W. Indies and wishes to have her sent from Shelburne with all possible dispatch; ''but as She hath bulky Articles on board, and Warehouse Room with you may be much wanted, it will certainly be most adviseable to sell all the large Articles if possible on saving or on gaining terms and deliver them from the Ship, which I hope will be effected in from 10 to 15 Days after her Arrival as the Ship will lay at £3 Sterling p. Day expence besides the disadvantage arising from protraction of the Voyage, which I desire you will consider in every point of View and act accordingly. It is my present wish to send you Ships frequently Consigned with Salt and other bulky Goods that will pay a freight to the Ship if their Cargoes can be readily sold and Remitted for, That I would greatly prefer to a lingering Sale on any Terms.'' Expects to send a large ship from Portugal inside of two months. This ship is to take lumber to the W. Indies, and cured fish, if it is not too early in the season. Parker's son is to stay with Whitworth until the business has been finished.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 279

1784  3 Jun  London  

280. Paul Maylor to Gideon White, enclosing and commenting on Philip Sergeant's letter. Directions for White to follow on receiving his half-pay. Holograph.
Below: Form to be filled on receiving his half-pay.
Overleaf: Copy of Sergeant to Maylor, May, above.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 280

1784  3 Jun  London  

281. George Parker, shipowner, to Messrs. Whitworth, Parker and Thompson, consignees, instructing them to discharge the master, mate and any or all of the sailors of the Nancy, in the event of disobedience to the shipowner's orders, death or accident making such action necessary.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 281

1784  7 Jun  Halifax  

282. Incomplete letter to Messrs. G. & G. Debloise from Charles Whitworth, appointing them to receive money due from Thos. & Alex. Copeland and keep it until further orders.  Unsigned.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 282

1784  8 Jun  Lymington  England

283. Wm. Parker to Charles Whitworth Has met his brother Nathaniel, who is enjoying ''the pleasures of Old-England…'Twas from him I learned of your laying the foundations of a New Empire I suppose you will make it at Port-Roseway a place chosenby the Lords elect. I thot you had made sufficient to be satisfied & to have retired from the folly & bustle of the World - but no! must still drive on the Career of fortune...This will be delivered you by the eldest Son of my Brother who resides in London & who has become known to you by means of Messrs. Lane who do our Business there.'' Recommends him to White's particular care. Personal messages. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 283

1784  8 Jun  Chedabucto  

284. R. F. Brownrigg to Gideon White, relative to the progress of the settlement. ''First, I found a misunderstanding between the Surveyor, and Messrs. McDonald & McPherson - before I saw the Surveyor - they told me he knew nothing of Surveying; and many other illiberal sentiments they expressed; at the tail of which they recommended a Mr. Chapman to me - I thought partiality depicted there; so determined to judge for myself - I found, the first comers had occupied the best of the town lots - the provisions, and chief of the stores, proportioned out to the Men, and was told, that some of them, had, not only, sold their Rations, but also, their tools, to the inhabitants - no store house built, but very great improvements for the time / made; some building block houses, and others planting potatoes upon their lots - I found Mr. McPherson, a very great Man, having married two couple / which by the bye, I believe he ought not, without a licence from the Governor; and I think you ought to apply to him on the subject / he stiles himself our Surgeon; refuses to act under the last Commission for the Peace; says, he will be Chairman, as senior Justice / I blush while I write such ridiculous stuff, however, it will better give You an idea of the Man / says, if the Governor supersedes him as a Justice, he will give up the Commission, and not act at all - which makes me wish the Governor to strike his Name out, by way of punishment for his haughtiness.'' Further account of McPherson and his endeavour to name the town. ''When I arrived Mr. Nutting was up the River, laying out our Country Grants - on Sunday, he, and I had some discourse, from which I found that our Gentlemen had, in an arbitrary / not to say worse / manner, begun to draw for their town lots in Mr. Nutting's absence - I have reason to think likewise that they have obstructed, rather than facilitated his movements from the experience I have had of the backwardness there is in giving me the informations I require. I have found Mr. Nutting so far as we have gone, very intelligent, and ingenuous...'' Personal messages from Cunningham and himself. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 284

1784  11 Jun  London  

285. Paul Maylor to Gideon White. Thanks him on behalf of the Duke of Manchester and himself for his of the 11th past. Bad conduct of Capt. Ralph Cunningham relative to Maylor's and Lord Charles Montague's effects. The Duke of Manchester has written to Gov. Parr "not to spare Mr. Cunningham, but to bring him to do the Just Part". Repeats directions relative to his half-pay. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 285


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