Nova Scotia Archives

'An East Coast Port': Halifax in Wartime, 1939-1945

Results 151 to 165 of 234 from your search: ch2

Robertson Hardware Store fire, Lower Water Street, Halifax

Date: 30 April 1943

Reference: John F. Rogers Nova Scotia Archives 1995-370 number 10

War Comes to the City

Forth Victory Loan Certificate

Date: 01 May 1943

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 100 vol. 97 no. 17

War Comes to the City

Forth Victory Loan Certificate

Date: 01 May 1943

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 100 vol. 97 no. 17

War Comes to the City

Victory Loan Salesman Calling Card

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 100 vol. 97 no. 25

War Comes to the City

Fifth Victory Loan Certificate of Purchase

Date: October 1943

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 100 vol. 97 no. 25

War Comes to the City

Fifth Victory Loan Certificate of Honour

Date: October 1943

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 100 vol. 97 no. 26

War Comes to the City

First Aid workers and fire watchers

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 31

War Comes to the City

Fire watchers at a fire

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 35

War Comes to the City

Young fire watchers

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 39

War Comes to the City

Rescue Squad and First Aiders at a building on Isleville Street near Gottingen Street

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 40

War Comes to the City

Fire fighter fighting a fire

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 38

War Comes to the City

Two people wearing gas masks at a fire

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 36

War Comes to the City

A.R.P. Fire Fighters extinguishing a fire

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 34

War Comes to the City

First Aid workers and "casualties" demonstration

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 33

War Comes to the City

Letter to Robert Chambers from Wilfred Goodman of the Canadian Publishers War Finance Publicity Committee

Date: 30 June 1943

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3662 no. 58

War Comes to the City

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