Nova Scotia Archives

'An East Coast Port': Halifax in Wartime, 1939-1945

First Aid workers and fire watchers

"The realities of actual warfare were brought home to the citizens of Halifax and area last night as the city was the scene of a big A.R.P. display and blackout. From 8 to 11 p.m. 'incidents' took place in several sectors of the city. From 10.12 to 11 p.m. the city was clothed in darkness pierced in several sections by illuminating bonfires, where 'bombs' had fallen." A mock air raid was enacted over the city during the night as rescue squads busily rescued dummies from bombed houses and fire fighters extinguished bazes in different parts of the city. [newspaper clipping, 22 June 1943; MG 20, vol. 754]

Date: 22 June 1943

Reference: Halifax Civil Emergency Corps. Nova Scotia Archives 1995-188 no. 31

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