Nova Scotia Archives

Brigs and Barques: Images and Artworks from the Age of Sail

Results 16 to 30 of 32 from your search: Spicer

Letter, St. Vincent Coaling Company Ltd. to Captain Dewis Spicer, 16 December 1899

Date: 1899

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 016 number 16

Account book; ship Glooscap and Owners, in account with George D. Spicer

Date: 1898-1900

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 2004-055

Bill of Exchange, Wilson, Sons & Co., St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands

Date: 1899

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 2004-055

Master's Draft, 1900

Date: 1900

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 2004-055

Bill of exchange, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation

Date: 1901

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 2004-055

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Letters from George Spicer to his brother-in-law, Levi Atkins, while aboard Glooscap

Date: 1904

Reference: Spicer Family Nova Scotia Archives 1997-174 volume 018 number 26

Captain George Spicer's last day on the Glooscap

Date: 1910

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives  micro: Biography: Spicer, Capt. George D.: Diaries: mfm 11024

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