Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 2281 to 2295 of 2992 from your search: RG 5 Series A

24 January 1809

Resolution of the House "that a Committee be appointed to wait upon His Honor the President; to inform His Honor, that the House of Assembly have used their utmost endeavours, during a long Session, to complete the important business of the Province; but observed with regret, His Honor assenting to the several Bills for raising Monies, and dissenting to the application of the same, for the publick purposes expressed in the Act of Appropriation, whereby their intentions are wholly defeated, and the best Interests of the Province neglected; and that the House, have no further business before them." Committee appointed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 22

25 January 1809

Draft message that the president thinks the appropriation made at this session have greatly exceeded those of other years and voices his disapproval of the appointment of a special agent for the Province.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 23

26 January 1809

List showing the attendance of the members during the session.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 24


Draft instructions to the committee concerning the dissent of the House President.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 25

22 April 1809

Report by William Sabatier of Sackville concerning the refusal to provide horses to convey baggage of the militia from Halifax to Windsor and notes for Mr. Stewart's attention in regard to the complaint made by the Justices of the Township of Sackville about the various owners and teams.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 26

18 May 1809

Petition of Comfort Haley, asking for a drawback on the duty he paid on goods imported which he attempted to export but failed to do when the ship that carried them went down. Schedule of duties, certificate, and affidavits annexed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 27

24 May 1809

Petition of François Como and other inhabitants of Clare, asking for a grant for repairing the Meteghan bridge, which they state will otherwise soon fall to pieces. Signed with 19 names and marks.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 28

11 November 1809

Petition of Richard Curry and other inhabitants of Kings and Hants Counties, asking for £150 to help them in rebuilding a bridge which recent floods have destroyed. Signed with 50 names.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 29

8 June 1809

Nine resolutions of the House for grants for extra expenses of the legislature, and various services of the province.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 30

8 June 1809

Resolution for granting 200 guineas for a sword or piece of plate to be presented to Sir George Prevost "as a Testimony of the High Opinion entertained by the House of His Excellency’s Conduct at the Capture of the Island of Martinique from the French." (Copy in Vol. 288, no. 1)

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 31

10 June 1809

Petition of Evan Lewis for a pardon for debt.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 32

25 August 1809

Estimate of Dechman and Spike for putting up a fence round the Government House.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 33

1 September 1809

Account of William Minns for printing done for the government between 22 Apr. 1808 and 1 Sept. 1809. Certified by the Provincial Secretary and recommended for payment by the Lt.-Governor.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 34

5 October 1809

Petition of Alexander MacDonald and other inhabitants on the shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, stating the inconvenience and danger they suffer from having no harbour nearer than the Bay of Antigonish, and suggesting that a pier be built, with their assistance, at Arisaig Point. Signed with 98 names, subscribing 645 days’ work.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 35

24 October 1809

Petition of Nathaniel Parker detailing his exertions in arranging for the cutting and settling of the Liverpool – Annapolis road. "The Memorial of Nathaniel Parker humble sheweth that your Memorialist in February A.D. 1798 went through the woods to Liverpool for the purpose of soliciting the people of that township to assist in making a Road from thence to Annapolis township – That the said people of Liverpool furnished him with an Indian for a Guide and two men to mark said road and agreed to cut half way if it should be found practicable to make a road – That your Memorialist after his return from Liverpool, by his exertions procured a Subscription from the inhabitants of Annapolis amounting to about one hundred pounds for the purpose of cutting said road – That he spend Seventeen days in exploring and making necessary alterations in said road, lest the labour should be expended in places where it must necessarily be lost by reason of alterations after the expenditure – That your Memorialist with Mr. Foster Woodberry of Willmot, and another man with them, went thro’ on the marked line and bargained with the Committee, appointed by the inhabitants of Liverpool, whereby it was agreed to that inhabitants of Liverpool should cut one half, and the people of Annapolis the other half of said road, a day being agreed upon for the completion of said work – That your Memorialist superintended the opening of the Annapolis part of said road, and that by reason of the insufficiency of the Subscription-money to complete the work he paid more than Fourteen pounds of his own money towards the completion of the same – That in the year 1798 your Memorialist paid the sum of Four pounds, twelve shillings and eight pence towards procuring a plan of said road – That in the year 1802 your Memorialist attended the whole time a survey was made by virtue of a warrant from Government, to lay out lots on said road – for which he got but little recompence – That in May A.D. 1803 your Memorialist went to Halifax and made proposals to Government for procuring Settlers on said road which being complied with, he received a Commission for that purpose by which means 44 persons have been induced to settle thereon, 29 of which are married men, and that the present number of inhabitants on the said road (including men, women and children) amounts to one hundred and Sixty one – That your Memorialist has spent much time in going to said road for the purpose of shewing the Settlers their Lots, and otherwise to assist and encourage the said Settlement – That your Memorialist having never received any compensation for his said Extra Services, Therefore humbly prays that his said services may be taken into consideration, and rewarded by granting him the sum of Fifty pounds, or in such a manner as to the honble house of Representatives in General Assembly convened may appear most proper".

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 16 number 36

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