Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 1 to 15 of 3647 from your search: 2008

20 May 1758

Printed resolution of the Council regulating the electing and convening of the first general assembly. Sixteen representatives for the province at large, four for Halifax, two for Lunenburg. The limits of these townships; provisions for representing future townships. Qualifications of representatives and electors; rules for giving oaths and the Test, and for polling. These resolutions to govern all election meetings. Signed.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 1

August 1759

Printed extracts of the Resolution of Council for regulating the election of members in General Assembly endorsed Instructions to sheriffs for conducting elections of members.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 2

11 January 1759

Printed proclamation by Governor Lawrence declaring his powers of granting land, the conditions as to quantity and quality of land, as to qualifications of grantees, and as to Quit Rents and holding of land. Each township of fifty families to have two representatives in the Assembly. Religious tolerance to Protestants; no taxes or fees on grants of land; the readiness of the Governor to lay out land, listen to proposals and protest settlers. Signed.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 3

28 July 1761

Copy of a message from Governor Belcher to the Council and Assembly recommending provisions for the establishment of inferior courts in the counties. Signed.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 4

18 September 1764

Remarks relating to the fees received at the Secretary's office. Record of fees received and payment of clerks 1760-1764. Clerks allowed to take fees from those only who can afford it, or who object. No complaint could be made of exorbitant demands of Sec'y. Endorsed: 'In answer to a letter from the Sec'y of State concerning exorbitant fees demanded and taken in the several public offices in America--Richd. Bulkeley.'

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 5

15 July 1775

Draft of address to Governor Legge from the Assembly in answer to his message. Assembly are sorry to differ so widely from the Governor; during the present alarming state of affairs in America they will not enter into debate with the Governor, lest people lose confidence in him, but will transmit, through him, their petition to the King. Meanwhile they ask for a recess. The office of Inspector-General is needless; they ask the removal of John Burrows from it.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 6


Draft of petition of House of Assembly to Parliament asking help. Need of a proper medium of circulating currency. Suggest Act of British Legislature allowing the province, by act of Assembly, to emit £40,000 in paper bills. Benefits would accrue both to the province and to Great Britain. Ruin will otherwise ensue in the province.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 7

18 July 1775

Draft of address from the Assembly to Gov. Legge in answer to his message of previous day. The office of Inspector-General needless, harmful and illegally executed by Mr. Burrow. Extract from Assembly Journal proving Burrow's illegal action. A copy of this address constitutes No. 15 of Vol. 301.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 8

4 July 1775

Draft of a letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons, accompanying an address, petition and memorial to the King and Parliament. Unsigned.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 9

4 July 1775

Draft of part of a memorial from the Assembly to the King and Parliament, praying many changes in the administration of the province.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 10

15 June 1776

Speech of Lieutenant Governor Arbuthnot to the Council and Assembly on assuming the government during Legge's absence. Soon great lenity will be extended by the British Government towards loyal subjects. The Assembly's address was graciously received by the King and Parliament, and most of the requisitions will be granted. Recommends unanimity in dispatching business of session.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 11

19 June 1778

Petition and remonstrance of John Fenton, Provost-Marshall, to the House of Assembly, stating his objections to an act under consideration. By royal appointment he is the only executive officer of the Crown; the new act will cut off much of his fees without reducing his duties correspondingly. He prays that the Assembly will make provision for him. (Copy)

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 12

6 June 1777

Lieutenant Governor's speech on opening the General Assembly. Success of the King's arms indicates an early restoration of peace. Rising in Cumberland has subsided. Debt of the province has increased.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 13

10 June 1777

Lieutenant Governor's answer to the Assembly's address.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 14

18 July 1775

Copy of an address from the Assembly to Governor Legge. For draft of this address see No. 8

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 301 number 15

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