Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 1 to 15 of 1733 from your search: RG 5 Series P


Petition of residents of Truro concerning the Meeting House.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 1

15 February 1816

John Simon proposes to the Fire Wardens of Halifax that he undertake the task of sweeping all the chiminies in Halifax.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 2

20 September 1916

John Simon to the fire Wardens of Halifax, recommending a change in working hours for sweeping chiminies.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 3

6 January 1817

John Simon to the Fire Wardens of Halifax offering suggestions for the better regulation of the sweeping of chiminies.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 4

7 October 1817

John Simon to Major Bazalgette outlining difficulties arising during the process of cleaning chiminies in Halifax.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 5

18 February 1817

Petition from the residents of Newport requesting a voice in the choice of a representative for Newport.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 6

18 February 1817

George Oxley and others of Remsheg ask that a poll be held at Remsheg during elections.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 7

26 February 1817

Petition of Daniel Benjamin, Annapolis for release from jail where he is being held for contempt of the House of Assembly.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 8

3 March 1817

Petition of Russell Hicks, debtor, Annapolis.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 9

10 March 1817

Request for the appointment of Justices of the Peace for Newport and Rawdon.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 10

13 March 1817

Petition of John Larkin concerning the location of the court house at Tusket.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 11

17 march 1817

The Petition of the Halifax Water Commission.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 12

20 January 1818

Petition to the House of Assembly from various memoralists in the County of Kings asking for the establishment of a paper currency compatible with the interests of the country.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 13

20 January 1818

Petition to the House of Assembly from various memoralists in the County of Kings asking for the establishment of a paper currency compatible with the interests of the country.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 15

20 January 1818

Petition to the House of Assembly from various memoralists in the County of Kings asking for the establishment of a paper currency compatible with the interests of the country.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 16

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