Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 2386 to 2400 of 3647 from your search: 2008

28 November 1808

Memorial of John Howe and Son presenting for payment their account for printing for the Government of the province since December last, and also an account of Mr. Henry, Government Printer, for comparison. Annexed: Account.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 103

29 November 1808

Lt.-Gov. Sir George Prevost’s message concerning the repairs he has ordered to be made to the new Government House. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 104

30 November 1808

Memorial of Michael Wallace, asking compensation for his labours as commissioner for building the new Government House… "your Memorialist devoted his whole time daily, early and late, for more than Eight Years, (when his official hours as Treasurer of the Province did not require his attendance), in Superintending and directing the various duties incident to a Work of such Magnitude in this country, with that Zeal and fidelity the trust required, which has never been questioned to his knowledge." On the completeion of the work he stated his account for a commissioner of 5% on £21,000 which the Assembly "passed over ad referendum to a Committee." Asking that his claim be considered. Signed. Recommended.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 105

1 December 1808

Report of the committee of the House on the account of John Howe & Son, recommending that an extra £100 be granted them for printing 1000 books of Instruction for the militia, and £50 besides for their services occasioned by the extra meeting of the Assembly. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 106

2 December 1808

Petition of Archibald Smith, asking compensation for injury done to his land through the running of the new road over Ardoise Hill, which crosses his land in three places. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 107

3 December 1808

Petition of William Blair of Onslow, asking to be reimbursed £67.10. expended in building a bridge over North River, Onslow, in excess of grant for that purpose. Signed. "Dismissed".

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 108

3 December 1808

Alexander Morrison’s account for binding Militia Rules and Regulations.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 109

5 December 1808

Petition of John and David Dill, stating that the new road on Ardoise Hill runs through their land, and they have the upkeep of it without its being of any more advantage to them than the old road, and asking for relief. Signed. See rejected resolution, 24 Dec.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 110

3 December 1808

Petition of Ludowick and James Hunter stating that "Your Honorable House have bin pleased to Lay out a new Road over Said Hill (Ardoise) at the distance of two Hundred Rods North from the old road, and one mile and a half distant from where your Petitioners are Setled towards Windsor and three fourths of a mile distant towards Halifax – your Petitioners further State that they have no way of comeing at the new road but by the old road, as their Land doth not join or come to the new road in any direction nearer than above stated, consequently your Petitioner must be at the heavy expense of keeping up a Road (and one Large Bridge) the distance of one mile and half to git to the County town, and half that distance to git to Halifax, your petitioners therefore beg leave to submit their case to your Honorable House to grant such relief as you in your Wisdom may think just and mete, and your Petitioners as in duty Bound will ever Pray." Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 111

3 December 1808

Petition of Snow Parker, and Joseph Freeman of Liverpool, asking for a drawback of duties on rum and brown sugar exported to Boston. Signed. Overleaf. Certificate (copy) of Boston Customs officers that said rum and sugar were received. Enclosed. Affidavit of Simon Fraser that above merchandise was shipped as stated.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 112

3 December 1808

Report of the committee of the House on Charles Stephenson’s account for repairs to the new Government House, stating that a further grant of £161. 15. is necessary to complete the repairs recommended in the last session.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 113

5 December 1808

Petition of Isaiah Shaw, asking for the return of duties paid on rum exported by him to Passamaquoddy in the month of July, 1807, amounting to £14. Signed. Enclosed. 3 papers connected with the exporting of the rum. Payment granted, 24 Dec.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 114

5 December 1808

Petition of Lt.-Col. William Robertson, stating that a detachment of militia from Digby, Clare, Yarmouth and Annapolis did duty from January till April 1808, "That the said Detachment consisted of two hundred men, many of whom being suddenly called on were indifferently prepared with suitable clothing for the Season, and were obliged to contract debts at Annapolis to place them in a suitable dress to perform the duty required of them." He asks on behalf of the men that they be granted the bounty voted by the legislature to provide great coats for militia men. Signed. Enclosed. Letter from John Stewart informing Robertson that his men have £1. 14.0 coming to them for clothing. Signed. Overleaf. Report of House committee, recommending vote to provide for Robertson’s men. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 115

5 December 1808

Petition of Ebenezer Wheaton of Cornwallis, stating that while on duty with the militia he was taken ill and that as a result of the doctor bleeding his arm he has since lost completely the use of the arm, and asking for a yearly sum to help him support himself. Signed. Certificate of Samuel Head, the surgeon of the regiment in which Wheaton was enrolled. That Wheaton was bled by the assistant surgeon "& for all the time he remained in that capacity, either was or pretended to be disabled in his arm in consequence (as he said) of the operation; that last spring of Summer some Months after the Militia were discharged, sd. Wheaton applied to me for assistance & upon examination of his arm there appeared a rigidity proceeding from the place of incision upward which in all probability arose from the pricking of the tendon of the Bicep muscle." Certificate to the truth of the petition, by officers. £10 granted, 24 Dec.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 116

5 December 1808

Memorial of Simon Fraser of Pictou, on behalf of himself and several persons of Liverpool, England, who have undertaken to build a salt works at Pictou, upon which they have already expended upwards of £1600. "That in addition to the great sum of money already expended, it will be absolutely necessary before any Service can be derived to your Memorialist and his Partners either to make from the Salt Spring to the Sea Shore, (which is a distance of about Four and a Half Miles,) a Road lines of each Side with Plank, on which the Wheels of the Waggons may run which are to convey the manufactured Salt to the Sea Shore; or to construct and lay Wooden Pipes the same distance, to convey the Bring from the Salt Spring to be manufactured into Salt at the Sea Side; The expence of either the Road, or Pipes, is estimated at Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds Currency." and asking for a grant to pay for such a road. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 15 number 117

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