Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 556 to 570 of 1613 from your search:

1787-1792  3 Aug  Shelburne  

556. Nine papers, chiefly bills and accounts, connected with Charles Whitworth's business, variously dated between 28 Nov. 1787 and 3 Aug. 1792.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 556

1792  3 Sep  Boston  

557. Wm. Walter to Gideon White, in receipt of letters and orders. Corn is more expensive in Boston, being 3/6, 3/10 and 4/ per bu., than it is in Shelburne, where it is 3/3. Inoculation for smallpox has held up the country business around Boston. List of prices for fish. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 557

1792  27 Sep  Halifax  

558. Chas. Morris to Gideon White, enclosing the paper he requested.  Holograph. [No enclosure]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 558

1792  3 Nov  Halifax  

559. Chas. Morris Jr. to Gideon White, in receipt of letter, relative to White's fees as deputy register of the Vice-Admiralty Court. He assures White "it has ever been the most foreign from my wishes or intentions to lessen the consequence or emoluments of the office you have accepted from my Father….on the contrary….I would with my whole Heart and Sould render you and yours every service and act of friendship in my power." Further details of the case in question. He suggests Mr. Campbell for a substitute if White should need one. Friendly messages. Holograph. [No enclosure]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 559

pre 1792  6 Nov  Shelburne  

560. Draft of letter from Gideon White to Nathaniel Whitworth. He left Boston earlier than he expected, in order to attend the House of Assembly. He had not been there long when word came of a fire in the vicinity of Shelburne, whither he went as soon as possible, to find a dreadful scene of desolation. "The Town is saved - but the Inhabitants being constantly fatigued in fire and smoak for fifteen Days - the Men, Women & Children from the Country - with their Cattle - refugees from their destroyed Farms - all dependant on the Hospitality and Charity of the fiew who could assist them, it is impossible for me to give you an adequate Idea of this Truly Tradgigal Scene - When you are informed that fifty Dwelling Houses besides Mills Barns and other Outhouse are destroyed - which belonged to the Loyal Industries Husbandmen who have for Nine Years been contending with this unfriendly Soil - to gain a subsistance - to have all these Labour and Prospects blasted in One Hour - I say knowing this to be fact - you may form some faint Idea of Shelburne" "such is my situation that it is impossible for ever to replace my Loss. This last stroke has completely knock'd down this Settlement, the 800 Negros who were carried to Serea Leone was a serious loss but more so to me than any One - I had Eight Negro Families Tenants which had each a quantity of my Land and allow'd me rent - each had his House &c. those are all gone & the Houses destroyed - but the most serious matter is my Grist Mill - No Grist - enough of Dissagreeables - I will make the best of it - ". Further remarks about Chas. Whitworth. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 560

1792  6 Nov  Shelburne  

561. Gideon White to his brother-in-law, Nathaniel Whitworth, in receipt of letters. Family news, especially of the failure and physical collapse of Charles Whitworth. "Should Charles have a relaps - and attempt to be off I can prevent him by a Law of this Province - by underwriting him in the Secretary's Office - as your atty - in which Case no master of a Vessel dare take him - unless he pays his debts." Ned Brinley lived in the house Charles occupied "without rent - to keep it in repare - I feel my self fortune in having so good a Tenant - on these terms. Houses in Shelburne are at present poor property indeed." Instructions as to collecting some of his debts in England. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 561

1792  24 Dec  St. Johns  

562. Nathaniel Phillips to Gideon White. Entirely personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 562

1793  8 May  Alton  Mass.

563. Wm. Hale to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. Business and personal matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 563

1793  24 May  St. John  

564. Nathaniel Phillips to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. The War with France has & will effect the Trade of this Country very Materialy: the high premium paid for Insurance of goods is & will be severely felt by the Fish Catchers: & the Exorbitant premium demanded for Insuring Vessels Fishing on our Banks, and the great difficulty in geting Fishermen in England, has induced many Mechanics & others to decling [decline?] prosecuting the Fishery this season, & they have laid up their Vessels in England. I sincerely wish you may be appointed to a Command in this place, if not that you may have a pleasing one in Nova Scotia. Will send some red port wine as soon as he can buy any in Newfoundland. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 564

1793  25 May  Halifax  

565. James Putnam to Gideon White, in reply to his letter to Lieutenant Governor Wentworth. "The Governor desires me to say that he is much obliged to you for the tender of your services, and that it would have afforded him great pleasure to have had you in his Regiment, but that it is quite out of his power, all the officers having been engaged long before your letter came to hand." Whitworth is not eligible because he is not a halfpay officer.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 565

1793  30 Jun  Halifax  

566. Lt. Earle to Gideon White. He has left certain papers with Mr. Blowers, which are to be opened only if he should be killed in the military campaign on which he is about to embark. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 566

1793  9 Jul  Boston  

567. Wm. Walter to Gideon White, in receipt of letters and packages for his friends. ''I should have sent you a Box of Candles as wished for & your milk pans, but Capt. Neguit is unwilling to take anything Contraband, the next opportunity must serve.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 567

1793  23 Aug  Halifax  

568. Memorandum showing Gideon White's fees on the militia commissions for Shelburne under his care.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 568

1793  23 Aug  Halifax  

569. Order to James Spry Heaton, Clerk of the Cheque to His Majesty's Ordnance, for certain articles of ordnance and stores to be issued to Capt. Gideon White.  List of articles. Form of receipt to be signed by White. [Enclosed in Heaton to White, 24 Aug., below]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 569

1793  24 Aug  Halifax  

570. James Spry Heaton to Gideon White, acknowledging receipt of "the Ordnance and Stores for the defence of the Town & County of Shelburne." Enclosure: Order to Heaton, 23 Aug. above. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 570


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