He left Boston earlier than he expected, in order to attend the House of Assembly. He had not been there long when word came of a fire in the vicinity of Shelburne, whither he went as soon as possible, to find a dreadful scene of desolation. "The Town is saved - but the Inhabitants being constantly fatigued in fire and smoak for fifteen Days - the Men, Women & Children from the Country - with their Cattle - refugees from their destroyed Farms - all dependant on the Hospitality and Charity of the fiew who could assist them, it is impossible for me to give you an adequate Idea of this Truly Tradgigal Scene - When you are informed that fifty Dwelling Houses besides Mills Barns and other Outhouse are destroyed - which belonged to the Loyal Industries Husbandmen who have for Nine Years been contending with this unfriendly Soil - to gain a subsistance - to have all these Labour and Prospects blasted in One Hour - I say knowing this to be fact - you may form some faint Idea of Shelburne" "such is my situation that it is impossible for ever to replace my Loss. This last stroke has completely knock'd down this Settlement, the 800 Negros who were carried to Serea Leone was a serious loss but more so to me than any One - I had Eight Negro Families Tenants which had each a quantity of my Land and allow'd me rent - each had his House &c. those are all gone & the Houses destroyed - but the most serious matter is my Grist Mill - No Grist - enough of Dissagreeables - I will make the best of it - ". Further remarks about Chas. Whitworth.
Reference: Gideon White Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 950 number 560.
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/archives/?ID=560
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