Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1411 to 1425 of 1613 from your search:

1841  22 Apr  Gibraltar  

1411. G. Durnford to his wife's cousin, Nathaniel White, making inquiries about the White family and connection. Holograph.
[Enclosed in N. White's letter, 29 May, below.] 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1411

1841  29 May  Halifax  

1412. Nathaniel W. White to his brother Cornelius. "Our dandy Governor has the highest quality of an English Gentleman, a chivalrous love of fair play,...The attempt last winter to get up a case in some shape of other against you has proved the best thing that could have happened, because it gave an opportunity for a thorough sifting...He now sees how it is & is as much disgusted with the agitation of the senseless & unprincipled as he is friendly to the combined activity & energy of the enlightened & good. The same is the case with the fiendish growl at Howland & his Co. commissr...Depend on it this is no Reign for charalatanism with any of its disgusting faces to thrive in. If the Whigs had half as good hearts as their Representative here. I could almost love them. His head won't bear close inspection, but when good motive & firmness of purpose are combined, 'tis surprising how little of what the world calls talent is required to govern well. I read the man very soon & when he memorials & petitions both as regards you & the School Story were doing their work, as their originators fondly hoped, most effectively, I saw at once the trap they were laying for themselves & quietly waited for time to spring it. This the old Scythe-armed gentleman has done & presented a sett of as ugly mugs as ever disgraced a bad cause. As to the Customs' appointms. you are also indebted for it to the knowledge he gained in the aforesaid inquiry of the former unfair conduct towards you when acting in that department, which I took special good care to make the most of. & I am sure you will have all his influence for your confirmn. He says candidly however that in the present critical state of the Ministry his influence or any other colonial influence may be unfortunately thwarted by the applications of Members of Parliament for their hungry relatives & hangers on, with which Ministers, are tormented in every Department...'Tis to be hoped however that another long legged Scotchman with influence will not be found to cross the Atlantic for £100 a year. As to giving up any of your other offices, I would not think of that until confirmed. Even then it will rest with yourself, for multiplicity of offices in the country is now too well understood to be made again a bugbear by the designing." Family messages. Holograph.
Enclosure: G. Durnford to N. W. White, dated 22 Apr. 1841., above.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1412

1841  14 Jun  Halifax  

1413. The Bishop of Nova Scotia to Rev. T. H. White, in receipt of letter. He makes explanation and gives directions as to his coming visitation. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1413

1842  13 Jan  Shelburne  

1414. [Copy of] letter from Cornelius White to John Wiswall, asking for information regarding the lands of the late Mrs. And Miss Skinner, whose devisee is Mrs. White.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1414

1842  23 May  Halifax  

1415. The Bishop of Nova Scotia to Rev. T. H. White, notifying him of his intention of visiting Shelburne on the 11th and 12th of June.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1415

1842   May  Shelburne  

1416. Minutes of sessions of the peace for Shelburne County during the May term of 1842.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1416

1842  8 Jun  Halifax  

1417. Certificate of satisfaction of judgment of a cause in the Supreme Court between James W. Johnston and Cornelius White, Date 8 June
Overleaf: Registration of certificate, 18 June

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1417

1842   Jun  Shelburne  

1418. Address of David White to the Lt.-Governor, relating his experiences during the revolutionary period in the United States and after his removal to Shelburne. He now owns part of Capt. Gideon White's land, and wishes some compensation for the damage done his wood land by the public road's running through it.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1418

1842   Jun  Shelburne  

1419. List of 17 books with their prices, in unnamed library.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1419

1843  27 Dec  Shelburne  

1420. [Copy of] a letter from Cornelius White to John Wiswall regarding certain lands.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1420

1844  11 Mar  Halifax  

1421. The Bishop of Nova Scotia to Rev. T. H. White, asking when White's church will be ready for consecration, so that he may plan his visitation, and discussing other church matters.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1421

1844  11 Jul  Aylesford  

1422. Rufus Foster to Cornelius White, offering to buy 67 acres of Skinner's land, of which White has the disposal, on certain terms.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1422

1844  8 Oct  Bridgetown  

1423. Rufus Foster to Cornelius White, replying to his letter and making further inquiries with regard to the Skinner land.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1423

1844  17 Oct  Shelburne  

1424. [Copy of] letter from Cornelius White to Rufus Foster, replying to his letter and offering him the land he wants.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1424

1844  27 Nov  Bridgetown  

1425. Rufus Foster to Cornelius White, in receipt of letter. He has decided to take the land and wishes to secure the deed as soon as possible so as to prevent people from trespassing. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1425


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