Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 1486 to 1500 of 1613 from your search:

1894  19 Jul  New York  

1486. Telegram from F. B. Bard to N. W. White, in receipt of telegram. They are preparing to commence operations [on the railroad]. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1486

1894  19 Jul  New York  

1487. Telegram from F. B. Bard to N. W. White, in receipt of telegram as to organization of the railway company. ''…company duly organized months ago and subscribed capital deposited in chartered bank in Canada …Tunis G. Bergen this city president & Jacob Bingay E. K. Spinney and myself among directors whole board properly elected and qualified.'' 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1487

1894  29 Aug  Yarmouth  

1488. F. B. Bard to N. W. White, in receipt of letter. He reports progress in the organization of the South Shore Railway company, whose engineers are beginning work to-day.  Holograph

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1488

1894   Aug  Yarmouth  

1489. Eight clippings from the Yarmouth Times and possibly other newspaper, on the subject of the South Shore Railway and the government subsidy. Clippings updated, except one of 24th August. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1489

1894  13 Aug  Yarmouth  

1490. Clipping from a newspaper of a letter to the editor from A. A. Chadbourne relative to the narrow gauge railway and its superiority over the "broad" or standard gauge line. Also undated clipping of editorial favouring the standard gauge railway. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1490

1894  19 Nov  Yarmouth  

1491. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, in receipt of letter. ''…no person perhaps outside Mr. Baker knows how instrumental you have been in securing for the Y.S.S. Co. the favor of the Dominion subsidy - better than myself… Progress of South Shore Railway Co. ''We are having every possible obstacle thrown in our way by the Local Govt. and the Town of Yarmouth as well as the municipalities...this road with its other connecting enterprises will be a great power in politics later on as there (sic) employees will number several hundreds - They are dead sour on the Fielding Govt and all the Govts generally but in order for us to reap the fullest political benefit from them we have got to show them that we are something more than merely friends...I wonder when the Elections will come off? I saw General Laurie in Boston some time ago - and I hear that he is now about to visit Shelburne Co. What does it mean? Have you given up all idea of running the Co.?'' He speaks, further of Gen'l Laurie and asks White the date of the election. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1491

1894  20 Nov  Yarmouth  

1492. Postscript to Arthur McGray's letter of Nov. 19. He asks for White's influence in filling a position about to be vacated by Jos. Kenny. "There is nothing new today in the railway situation and, we have it verified that Longley and Abram Hatfield Warden for this County had an infernal row at Annapolis - we believe it a grand time for Longley to retire from the Govt and I believe with the assistance of "our crowd" we could throw Fielding down and have a Local Govt. favourable to seems to me that a coalition Govt - with Longley at its head would be a good thing for the South Shore railway now - and an easy Govt for us to defeat when the provincial elections should come around...think it over and tell me what you think." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1492

1894  21 Nov  Yarmouth  

1493. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, relative to the South Shore railway. He states the conditions under which the company contracted to build the railway, shows that neither the provincial subsidy nor the right of way over the route has materialized, and discusses the reasons for the antagonism of the provincial government, the Yarmouth town council and many individuals. "That the secret of the antagonism of these various honourable bodys is their desire to crush out of existence this enterprise, and to build up by every possible concession the narrow gauge road as a Grit organization - to become the killing influence in the approaching Dominion elections is manifested everywhere and disputed by none." He asks for an arrangement whereby "one half the subsidy would be regarded as earned upon the completion of each ten mile section..." so that the railway company may have more support of the dominion government to offset the local government's opposition. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1493

1894  1 Dec  Yarmouth  

1494. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, in receipt of letter. Relative to the conservative platform in the forthcoming election and the standard versus narrow gauge railway. He points out the advisability of the candidate's taking a stand for the standard gauge. "If the General [Laurie] wants the Government to coax him I think one of the things that should be thoroughly understood between them and him is that he is to enunciate a good decent flatfooted platform of progress and that dont go hand in hand with N. G. {narrow gauge] I am perfectly satisfied that we will get good financial support from the South Shore Ry. Co. in the coming contest and any cold-bloodedness toward them on the part of our candidate would to say the least be a great surprise to them - and as the two roads will be the largest factor in the campaign it will have to be fought squarely." Futher consideration of same subject. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1494

1894  14 Dec  Tusket  

1495. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, in receipt of letter. Chiefly relative to the South Shore Railway, which he says is now the only road "from Yarmouth East", having bought out the Coast Railway Co. "hook, line and sinker". "Our next move is on the Y.S.S. Co. [Yarmouth Steam Ship] and the fur will fly in dead earnest then." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1495

1895  25 Jan  Ottawa  

1496. Sec'y of the Dept. of Railways and Canals to N. W. White, acknowledging receipt of letter relative to a dominion subsidy to the N. S. Southern Railway Co.  Autograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1496

1895  12 Feb  Ottawa  

1497. Sir Charles Tupper to N. W. White, asking for his opinion on enclosed correspondence relative to the narrow gauge railway.  Autograph.
[Enclosures missing].

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1497

1895  23 Feb  Ottawa  

1498. [Copy of letter from] Owen Ritchie to Sir Charles Tupper, Minister of Justice, relative to the South Shore Railway Co. and the action which is being taken to cancel their charter.  
[Enclosed in Tupper to White, 25 Feb., below.]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1498

1895  25 Feb  Ottawa  

1499. Clerk of the Dept. of Justice to N. W.White, enclosing copy of letter from Owen Ritchie, and asking for his comments.  Autograph.
Enclosure: Owen Ritchie to Sir Charles Tupper, 23 Feb., above.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1499

1895  25 Feb  Yarmouth  

1500. George Bingay to N. W. White, in receipt of letter relative to the South Shore Railway. He cannot report on the exact state of affairs because two of the officials have not returned from New York. "So far as the political situation is concerned, it looks as if the Conservative party in Yarmouth were so thoroughly committed to the Standard Gauge, that they must stand or fall by it. Sir Hibbert Tupper ought to be made to understand this, if he does not already; and also made to feel the absolute necessity of rendering every assistance in the same way that Fielding is doing in the case of the N.G.R'Y." [narrow gauge] Will report later. "In the meantime you might din the political aspect of the situation into his [Tupper's] ears, you can hardly put the matter to him too strongly. I think that accomplished liar, Wheaton, has the honour of being his cousin or something." Typescript,  Autographed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1500


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