Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Account, Alexander Easson with Sam Cowling
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/196.1 Mr. Alex.r Eason Bought of Sam.l Cowling 1822 To Amount of Acct. rendered
Account, Alexander Easson with Sam Cowling
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/196.2 Mr Alexander Easson 1822 Bought of Sam.l Cowling June 17.t
Account, Alexander Easson with Sam Cowling
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/196.3 Mr. Alexander Eason To Sam.l Cowling
Account, Lawrence Keilley [or Kelley] with Alexander Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/197 Mr. Larry [keelley?] 1813 To Alxr Easson £ D april 15 To one
Account, Mrs. Easson with Joseph Cupples
Transcript: Mrs. Esson Bot. of Joseph Cupples 1829 Augt 8 1lb tea 3/6 2 Shawls 18/6 £ 1-2-0 2 Hank
Account, Alexander Easson with Edward H. Cutler
Transcript: Alex.r Easson 1856 To Edw H Cutler Dr. Decem 15 To 1 Bbl
Account, Alexander Easson with Owners of the schooner Pheasant
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/200 Mr Alexander Easson 1857 To Sch.r "Pheasant" Owners Novr 12 "To fr
Account, Alexander Easson with William Davis
Transcript: Mr. Alx. Easson Annapolis 19th April 1816 Bought of Wm. Davis
Account, Alexander Easson with Daniel Dukeshar [Dukeshire]
Transcript: Alexander Eassen to Dn.l Dukeshar Dr. 1832 S D Ju
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: 1839 January 1 Mr Alexandria Eason to Benj. Fairn 4 days work at the house _______ .13.4 Febr.
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.1 1843 January 20 Mr Alexandria Eason Dr. Benjamin Fairn
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: 1844 Mr Alexandria Easen to Benjamin Fairn
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.3 1845 Mr Alex.r Eason to Beny Fairn Acount Sent in ________________ 8..1
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.4 1846 Mr Alex Eason Dr Benj Fairn Marh 11 1 pair boots mended Deborah
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.5 1847 Mr. Alexandria Eason D Benj. Fairn on Settlement Balance du
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.6 1848 Mr Alex Easson Dr Benj Fairn Janary 1 Acount Sent in Balce due Fa
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.7 1850 Mr Alex Easson to Benj Fairn January 1 On Acount Balce due B
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.8 1851 Mr Alex Easson to Benjamin Fairn J
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.9 1852 Mr Alex Easson to Benjamin Fairn On
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.10 1853 Mr Alexandria Easson to Benjamin Fairn Jan
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.11 1854 Mr Alexandria Easson to Benjamin Fairn J
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.12 1855 Mr Alex Easson To Benjamin Fairn Jan
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.13 1857 Mr Alex Easson to Benjamin Fairn
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 B/203.14 1859 Mr Alexandria Easson to Benjamin Fairn January 1 on Set
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.15 Mr Alex Easson 1860 to Benjamin Fairn Jany
Account, Alexander Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/203.16 1861 Mr Alexandria Easson to Benjamin Fairn
Account, Alexander Easson with David Fleet
Transcript: 1809 Mr Alex Easson To David Fleet Dr Apr 10 To mending a pr of boots__ ..5..-
Account, Alexander Easson with David Fleet
Transcript: 1810 Mr. Alex Easson To David Fleet Dr Sept 7 To a pr of shoes for your self____
Account, Alexander Easson with Joseph Foster
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason to Joseph Foster Dr july 23 1828 t
Account, Alexander Easson with Joseph Foster
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/205.1 Alexander Easan 1828 To J. Foster £ s d Decr To Am
Account, Alexander Easson with Joseph Foster
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/205.2 Mr. Alex.r Easson to 1841 Joseph Foster Dr Jan
Account, Alexander Easson with Henry Gates & Son
Transcript: Alex.r Eason 1815 To Henry Gates & Son Dr Jany 1 To Balance due on
Account, Alexander Easson with Henry Gates and Son
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/206.1 Mr Alexander Eason To Henry Gates Dr 1825 Novr 25 to Laying axe____
Account, Alexander Easson with Henry Gates and Son
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/206.2 Alex.r Eason 1844 To Henry Gates & Son Dr Jany 1 To
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207 Annapolis Royal Mr. Alexander Eason 1824 Dr To James
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.1 Annapolis Royal NS Mr Alexander Eason To James Gray Dr
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.2 Annapolis NS Mr. Alexander Eason 1828 To James Gray Jan.y 28 To 2 Mu
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.3 Mrs Eason Annapolis Mrs A Eason 1831 To James Gray Apri
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/207.4 Annapolis NS Mr Alexander Eason 1832 To James Gray Dr [3 Column Table]
Account, James Gray with Alexander Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/207.5 Mr James Gray To Alex. Easson 1833 Dec. 11 to 1 barrel of apples ________
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.6 Annaoplis NS Mr. Alexander Eason 1833 To James Gray
Note, James Gray to Alexander Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/207.7 Sir Let the bearer Ja.s [Ob?] [Poriers?] have a pig for [you?] [V?] James
Note, James Gray to Alexander Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/207.8 Annapolis March 26 1834 Let the bearer J. D. Poirer have four bushels potato
Account, Alexander Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.9 Annapolis NS Mr A Easson 1834 To James Gray March
Account, Mrs. A. Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.10 Mrs. Alex.r Eassons [right half side of page in columns] Annapolis NS
Account, Mrs. A. Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/207.11 Annapolis Mrs. A Easson 1835 To James Gray [6 Column Table] [|Month|
Account, Mrs. A. Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.12 Annapolis NS Mr A Eason To James Gray Dr 1836 To Bal f
Account, Mrs. A. Easson with James Gray, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/207.13 Annapolis NS Mrs. A Easson To Ja.s Gray 1837 To Balance ____________
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banner image: - 200601163 Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair
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