Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Account, Alexander Easson with John L. FitzRandolph
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/233 Do Mr. John L. FitzRandolph 1818 To Alexander Easson dr. March 20 To hal
Account, Alexander Easson with John L. FitzRandolph
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/233.1 Alexander Easson Dr To John L FitzRandolph For Medicine & attendance to
Account, Alexander Easson with John L. FitzRandolph
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/233.2 Mr. Alexander Easson Dr To John L FitzRandolph
Account, Alexander Easson with John L. FitzRandolph
Transcript: Mr Jno L Fitz Randolph Dr 1822 To Alex Easson January 28 For cuti
Account, Dr. John L. FitzRandolph with Alexander Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/233.4 Doct.r John Fz: Randolph 1822 To Alexander Easson Dr
Account, Alexander Easson with John L. FitzRandolph
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/233.5 Mr Alexr Easson Dr To Jno L Fitz Randolph For amt of a/c to 31st Dec 1822_
Account, Alexander Easson with Edward Rice
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/235 Mr. Alex.r Easson 1834 To Edw.d Rice D
Account, Alexander Easson with Cornelius Riordan, Annapolis
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason to Cornelius Riordan Dtr.. October the 25th 1827 _________ 37 to the makeing
Account, Alexander Easson with Cornelius Riordan, Annapolis
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason to C Riordan Dr. Desember the 4th 1844 to the makeing 3 Coats at 7..6 Eac
Letter, Cornelius Riordan to Alexander Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/236.2 Anapolis November the 14th [1837?] Mr Alexander Eason Sir as I am out of wood
Account, James Roach with Alexander Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/237.1 Mr James Roach to Alex.r Easson Dr 1850
Account, Alexander Easson with Edward Robinson
Transcript: Annapolis March 29 Mr. Alexander Easten Dr to Edward Robinson to making 1 pair boots 0.7.6 t
Account, Mrs. Zeruviah Easson with Edward Robinson
Transcript: Annapolis jan.y 20th. 1814 Mrs Zeruviah Easson D.r to Edward Robinson
Account, Alexander Easson with James Robertson
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason 1813 To James Robertson Dr. Apl 7 To 1¾ yd. Cloth @ 35/. -61.3 " 2 "
Account, Alexander Easson with James Robertson
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason 1814 To James Robertson Dr. July 7 To 6½yds Nankeen @2/6_ £ "-16..
Account, Alexander Easson with James Robertson
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1815 To James Robertson Dr Feby. 4. To 2 Bushels Oats 4/3_____
Account, Alexander Easson with James Robertson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/239.3 Mr. Alexander Easson 1816 To James Robertson Dr. To Balance
Account, Alexander Easson with James Robertson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/239.4 Mr. Alex.r Eason 1820 To James Robertson Dr. June 14 To ½
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/240 Recd from Mr. Alex. Eason the sum of Eleven pounds two Shillings and four pen
Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/240.1 Mr. Alexander Eason [sic] To John Robertson
Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/240.2 Annapolis N.S. Mr Alexander Easson To John Robertson Dr. 1817 Jany 23rd
Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/240.3 Mr. Alex.r Easson 1818 To John Robertson Dr Jany 29 To 28 lb
Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1819 To John Robertson Dr. Jany..12th To 100 Bricks_ £ 0..4..0
Receipt, Thomas W. Robertson, Saint John, New Brunswick
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/241 Mr. S. Sanders Bot. [Bought] of Thos. W. Roberts
Receipt, William Robertson & Co.
Transcript: Recd Annapolis 22nd Augt 1809 of Mr. Alexander Eason Twenty Eight Shillings & 7½ [8½ - overwritten)
Account, Alexander Easson with William Robertson & Co.
Transcript: Mr. Alex.r Eason 1812 To W.m Robertson & Co Dr. Feby 18th 1¼ yd cloth @22/6 £ 1-8-1½ Re
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.1 Mr. Alexander Easson 1821 To J. Wm. Ruggles Dr.
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.2 Mr. Alex.r Easson 1822 To J.W. Ruggles ... Dr. To Bal.ce du
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.3 Mr. Alexr. Easson To J.W. Ruggles Dr 1823 Jany. 7
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.4 Alex. Eason 1824 To J.Ruggles Dr Dec 31 Bal per Se
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.5 Mr. Alexander Easson 1826 To J.W. Ruggles Dr. Jany 1 To Bal.ce per
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.6 Mr. Alexander Easson 1828 To J.W. Ruggles Dr.. Jany
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/243.7 Mr. Alexander Easson To J. W Ruggles Dr. 1829 Jany. 1 To Bal.ce per Settle
Letter, W. Ruggles to Alexander Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/243.8 Mr Alex. Eason Dear Sir Should you have time to let your man get done fou
Account, Alexander Easson with W. Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.9 Mr Alex Eason 1830 To W Ruggles Dr Jan 1- Bal. per a/c Rend______
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/243.10 Mr. Alexander Easson 1831 To J.W. Ruggles
Account, Alexander Easson with J. William Ruggles
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1831 To J. W. Ruggles Dr Decr 31 To Amount per a/c
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: Mr. Alex. Eason 1832 To W.R. Ruggles Feby. 6 To 1 Turkey Stone 6/3 1 Try Square 5/6 -11-9 " 1 Se
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/244.1 Mess. Eason Bot of W.R Ruggles July 7 pcs paper Hangings 13
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/244.2 Mr. Alex.r Eason To W.m R Ruggles 1841 May To 11 pcs. paper hangings @2/3
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/244.3 Mr. Alex.r Eason To W.m R. Ruggles To Balance p. a/c ___________________
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/244.4 Mr. Alex. Eason To W.m R. Ruggles Jany To Amt of a/c___ 1..5..7 Feby 14
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: Mr. Alex Easson To Wm. R Ruggles 1846 Jany 1 To Balance pr a/c_________________ 1..15..1 30. W
Account, Alexander Easson with W.R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/1244.6 Mr. Alex. Easson p son Henry __ Bot of W. R. Ruggles 5¼yds Cloth @17/6 4
Account, Alexander Easson with William R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: Mr Alex. Eason To Wm. R. Ruggles 1848 Jany 1 To Balance per a/c __ 1..4..8 March 30 ½lb Tea 1/3
Account, Alexander Easson with William R. Ruggles, Annapolis
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/245.1 Mr. Alex Eason 1848 To Wm. R. Ruggles Jany 1 To Balance per a/
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banner image: - 200601163 Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair
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