Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Account, Alexander Easson with Peter LeCain
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason 1836 to Peter Le Cain Jan.16 to mend hook 2 links__ 0..1..6 Mar.7 to 2 shoos
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: Mr. Sandey Eason to Wm Le Cain Dr. 1806 £ s d Ju
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/217.1 Mr. Alexander Eason to Wm LeCain Dr 1807 feaby 6 To To Setting 2 Shews
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason to 1808 Wm LeCain Dr March 7 To Setting 1 Shew __ -0-10½ 26 To Sett
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason to Wm. Le Cain Dr To 25 lbs of [Iorn?] -11-6 To Shewing Hay -10-0 To 8 plat
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/217.4 Mr Alexander Eason to Wm. Le Cain Dr 1809 Augt 28 to Setting 1 Shew__
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: Mr Alex Eason to Wm LeCain Dr 1810 feaby 20 To Actt Rendered Balanc 8-3 To
Account, Alexander Easson with William LeCain
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/217.6 Mr Alexeander Eason to Wm LeCain Dr 1811
Account, Alexander Easson with the Estate of late William LeCain
Transcript: Mr Alex Easson 1821 To Est of late Wm Lecain Dr July 5 To 1 New Shoe __________________________ -1
Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Lesley
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason Dr. To Robert Leslie To Medical Attendance to yourself & Family from August 2n
Account, Dr. Leslie with Alexander Easson
Transcript: Doctor Leslie 1855 To Alexr Easson Dr. Sepr 5 By ½ days
Account, Robert Lesley with Alexander Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/219.2 Dr. Robert Lesley 1855 To Alexr Easson dr March 12th To 1 Bushel Pot
Account, Robert Lesley with Alexander Easson
Transcript: Dr. Robert Lesley 1855 To Alexr Easson dr March 12th " To 1 bushel Potatoes 5/-
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Annapolis Mr Alexander Easson 1829 To J R Lovett & Son Dr. June 1 To 1 Bunch yarn________
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Annapolis Mr Alexander Eason 1830 To JR Lovett & Son Dr Mar 1 To 1½qt Brandy 2/6 20
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Mr Alexander Easson 1831 To JR Lovett & Son Dr Jany 1 To 1 box files 2/6 8) 1 qt Spirits 1/3
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1832 To James R Lovett & Son March 9th To Cash 2/. 28) paint
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason 1834 To James R. Lovett Dr July 29 To 5 gallons Molasses 12/
Account, Alexander Easson with James R. Lovett and Son
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Eason 1848 To James R Lovett Dr Nov. 24 To
Demand note, James R. Lovet and Son in favour of Fairn and Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/220.6 Due Messr. Fairn & Eason the sum of seventy five Pounds on demand for a Road
Transcript: This may Certify all whom it may Concern That David Ritchie appeared before me this day and was swor
Account, Alexander Easson with Phineas Lovett
Transcript: Mr. Alex.r Easson 1819 To Phineas Lovett Jun.r Dr. June 8 " To 28 lb Suga
Account, Alexander Easson with Lequille Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/222 Mr. Alexander Easson To Lequille Co. Dr 1854 Oct 16 To 2¾yds twill @2/9
Account, Lequille Manufacturing Co. with Alexander Easson
Transcript: Lequille Mfy Compy. Bot. of Mr. Alex Easson 1859 Jun 20 30½lbs [wood?] at 1/2 £ 1-15=7 MG
Account, Lequille Manufacturing Co. with Alexander Easson
Transcript: Lequille Manufacturing Co. 1860 Bot of Alex. Easson Esqr. June 13th 26½lb [min
Account, Alexander Easson with Lequille Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/222.3 Mr Alex.r Easson 1856 To Lequille Mfg Co Dr. Nov 5 To 2½yds Ju
Account, Alexander Easson with John McLeod
Transcript: Mr. Alex.r Esson, 1828. To John McLeod Dr May 6th To 5¾yds. silk @5/_ £ 1.8.9 16th
Transcript: Received from Mr Alex Eson[Eason] the sum of four pounds currency [half?] the amount of a plough fur
Account, Alexander Easson with John McLeod
Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1830 To Jno McLeod _____- Dr. May 10 To 1lb Snuff 1/9 1 Plough & heigh
Account, Alexander Easson with John McLeod
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/223.2 Mr Alexander Easson 1831 To Jno McLeod _____ Dr. Jany 6 To ¼lb Tea 10½
Account, Alexander Easson with John McLeod
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/223.3 [left side of page vertically written] Mr A Easson a/c [right half side
Account, Alexander Easson with John McLeod
Transcript: Annapolis Mr Alex.r Easson 1833 To John McLoead dr. Jany 1
Account, Alexander Easson with M. Morgan
Transcript: 1841 Mr. S. Eason to M. Monague Dr 3 [July?] to 1 pair boots _________ .9-0 sptbr 16 2 frame
Account, Alexander Easson with William Macara
Transcript: Mr Sandy Eason 1821 To William Macara Dr Decr 11 To Bal.ce due on Settlement
Account, Alexander Easson with Horace Marsters
Transcript: Mr Alexander Eason To Horace Marsters Dr 1840. June 4 To Sett Waggon Harness # £3..10..0 Recd pa
Account, Alexander Easson with Otis W. Merriam, Boston
Transcript: Please put your name on all packages returned. Boston Oct. 9, 1857 M [illegible] Bought of
Account, Alexander Easson with John Mooney
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/228 Mr Sandy Eason Dr to John Mooney 1832 January 5 3 new links welding link i
Account, Alexander Easson with John Mooney
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/228.1 Mr Alex.r Eason To John Mooney Dr
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/229 Mr. Alex. Eason 1822 To Andrew Mossman Jun.r Dr. April 24th To 4 lb Clo
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/229.1 Mr. Alexander Eason 1823 To Andrew Mossman Jnr. Dr. March 5th To
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 229.2 Mr. Alexander Eason 1824 To Andrew Mossman Jr. Dr. January 3rd " To 1qt
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/229.3 Mr. Alex. Eason 1825 to Andrew Mossman Jnr Dr. January 3rd To 6yd. Co
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/229.4 Mr Alex Eason 1825 To Andrew Mossman Jr Dr To Amount Brought Over
Account, Alexander Easson with Andrew Mossman
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/229.5 Annapolis Royal Mr Alexander Easson To And.w Mossman Jr Dr. 1
Account, Alexander Easson with Parker & Leeman
Transcript: June th24 Alexander Eason Dr 1841 to Parker & Leeman Carding 25¾ ft of roles
Account, Alexander Easson with Edward Phelan, Surgeon
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/231 Annapolis Royal N.S Mr. Alexander Easton To Edw.d Phelan Surgeon Dr. To
Account, Alexander Easson with the estate of Edward Phelan, Surgeon
Transcript: Mr Alexr Easson 1825 To Est of late W Phelan ________ Dr March 19 To Visit 4/6 [Casmin?] 5/3 pills
Account, Alexander Easson with Mrs. Pulleyer
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/232 Mr. Easson to Mrs. Pulleyer Dr. 1841 Oct.17th To making 1
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banner image: - 200601163 Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair
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